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  • 2014/02/27
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Pu phat phong kari/Thai style yellow curry crab

みんなの投稿 (15)
Crabs are always awkward for me,so messy to eat,specially small ones,but with this one I have no problem letting my fingers get dirty.The sauce is made with yellow curry powder,onion,oyster sauce,green pepper,Chinese celery,scallion and egg,so good I scooped up every last drop of it to go with the r
Who care?I don't care my finger goes dirty at all😌🎶If you serve such tasty curry to me,I'll eat this curry in Indian manner..by only my right hand😁👋Did I shock you?
Anyway,the mere sight of it made my mouth water! It's divine💕
I love yellow or green curry than any curry😋i haven't had make with crab
crab,No doubt it much worth to try, isn't it? Just one thing,I wonder what i can get such crab here..
So cool crab with big claws✨
rick chan から 麻紀子
You are so right,it's the flavour that the crab impart into the sauce and the eggs that makes this extra good!I was holding the crab to eat with fingers and in between holding the chopstick to eat the rice,imagine how messy that is,but it's worth it!Have to order this in Thai restaurant!
rick chan から ゆかり
Haha,this one is so worth getting the fingers dirty,and I know what you mean eating with just right hand,but we Chinese and Japanese are alright using both,unless you have a special habit...😊
The crab I use for this is what we call "meat crab",flesh is not delicate and sweet as others,but it's meat
meaty and great for this,female ones are "roe crab",also good with extra roe.But most crabs are fine,as long as it's live.Or even lobster!
Slightly different with other curries from Thailand,this is made with curry powder(waugh's), instead of wet paste.The crab gives a lot of flavours to the sauce,a
along with coconut milk,Chinese celery and egg,really makes this extra tasty,no one I know in HK doesn't love this dish.I know you have big love for Thai cuisine,please try this at Thai restaurant or if you like,make this yourself,my method is simple and good,I'll let you know how anytime!
But I hop
I hope you are not allergic to crab...
To: rikk
Although i thought it unknown crab, I see now from your mention.it mean ,meat crab as a kind of mud crab?
If it so,i can get few frozen one somehow.😊 However i gotta go Thai restaurant before that😁
I put a star to this page for don't forget dish name.🌟🌟I'll ordering for sure.and If i got c
crab, I'd like to ask you a recipe then😊🙏
Thank you for your concern,I'm Ok
I've no allergy except oyster.
Rather crab is favorite foods for me😋
You are right,it looks like a mud crab,deep green colour before cooking.But I don't recommend you use frozen,they are always cooked,and the beautiful juice is lost somewhere,instead use any type of live crab you could find in Nara,there are so many great varieties,I am not surprised they are even be
better than these crab we have here!
もぐもぐ! (356)
リスナップ (37)