• お気に入り
  • 40もぐもぐ!
  • 2リスナップ
  • 2013/09/03
  • 605

Roast, Mac, Cabbage, Corn Muffin (Prepared by my 93yr old Great Grandmother) 👏👏👏

みんなの投稿 (8)
Thank you for follow
Thank you for following up! It is deep emotion!
How are you? Mr. Chill.
Thank you for the resnap.
I really wanna eat your 93yr old grandmother's Corn muffin.
If you have a time, Please let me know how to make the Muffin.
Thank you my dear.
P.S Say hello to your Grandma*\(^o^)/*
Curt Chill から yoriko
I'm great, and you? 😉 I just made the muffins myself for the first time last night, pretty easy. I'll get the recipe to you very soon, and I'll be sure to let her know you said hello ...
Curt Chill から ふくぷく
Thank you as well...
Curt Chill から 太田 Tommy
Thank you also...
もぐもぐ! (40)
リスナップ (2)