Beautiful!Lovely pink colour and so full of spring spirit! I love everything made from Sakura now,both savory and sweet.I never had Sakura somen but I could imagine how delicious it is! Thank you,we do share some of our favorite food,you are great 食べ友,please show me more of the Sakura dishes,and others too!
ほんのり桜で美味しかったで~す ❁ ❁*✲*
昨日の夜 rickさんが桜もちをUPされて刺激されちゃいました(*´艸`) 桜味が食べたーいってね (*´艸`)♪
I love everything made from Sakura now,both savory and sweet.I never had Sakura somen but I could imagine how delicious it is!
Thank you,we do share some of our favorite food,you are great 食べ友,please show me more of the Sakura dishes,and others too!
見にきてくれてありがとうです ( ॢ•ω-ॢ)-♡
また 何か見付けたらUPしますね~~(*^^*)♪
素麺なんだけどうどんに近い感じで 、そこに桜のほのかな味わいがあるの♪♪
ピンクは女性力UPだよね~ ( ॢ•ω-ॢ)-♡
ちょっと 時期遅れてだけど 桜を楽しんじゃった♡モグモグありがとう(*^^*)
そうなの🎵ほんのり桜の味わいが😆見た目もテンション上がる可愛いさだよね😍モグモグありがとうです(^ー^* )