• お気に入り
  • 38もぐもぐ!
  • 1リスナップ
  • 2013/08/30
  • 536

Breakfast: rice cake with almond butter, banana &cocoa nibs. Raspberries & nectarine

みんなの投稿 (8)
Sai lin から 志野
Are you Japanese or living in Japan? Quite tough being vegetarian here, huh? ^^;
Thank you for the many yummies and for following 😊
Sai lin から Nyam | 照ちゃん
No problem, thanks for following back.
Yes, it is very hard sometimes being vegetarian. I am traveling most of the time, and found that some places have more options than others.
Nyam | 照ちゃん から Sai lin
You might want to follow michako-san (ID: namastelotus). She cooks so many beautiful and inspiring, healthy and vegetarian dishes. 😉
Sai lin から Nyam | 照ちゃん
Thank you for the suggestion! I just looked at her page, the food looks delicious! :)
Nyam | 照ちゃん から Sai lin
Yes! They all look so healthy and yummy. And probably helpful and inspiring when you're on your difficult-to-be-vegetarian travels. Good luck!
Sai lin から Nyam | 照ちゃん
もぐもぐ! (38)
リスナップ (1)