• お気に入り
  • 439もぐもぐ!
  • 2リスナップ
  • 2013/03/28
  • 1,115


みんなの投稿 (90)
To: tarohei147 Thank you 😄😄
Thank you follow me…(^o^)
To: MMasahiro me too(*≧∇≦*)
To: akichan1919 🙏😊Thank you
Thank you for following me.( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡
To: aya75recipe me too(⌒∩⌒)🙏😊
Thank you for following me🎵 How
colorful and like delicious the fruits are!! My updating is slow, but please look at my handmade foods!😄
To: kou76 Thank you for following me as well. 😊🙏
Thank you for follow😍❤❤
To: botty me too😊🙏
To: peko0302 me too(´▽`)
Thank you(≧∇≦)
To: HANAITUSAKI (*≧∇≦*)me too
To: Chiecha Thank you for resnap😊
To: JaohOhlunlaa
( ゚ω^ )b❤
To: shin5man Thank you. It is Thai dessert. 😊
To: JaohOhlunlaa
I want to eat !!!!!!!!
Very sweet?
To: JaohOhlunlaa
To: shin5man It's sweet and delicious. It is made from coconut milk and green beans. Coated with gelatin.😋
To: chiecha 😊😊😊
Thank you for the follow.
colorful fruit -- it seems to be delicious😆
To: akitchen412 Thanks.😄It is Thai dessert. It's yummy😆
To: JaohOhlunlaa
I love it !!
I am very sweet !
Thank you so much!:-)
To: beeline me tooヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
thank you for your follow〜(≧∇≦)
To: noro me too(*≧∇≦*)
Thank you for follow.
Thank you from now on.
To: anzuchan 😘(*≧∇≦*)😘
Thank you for following me♡♡
Thank you for follw me!
To: kuriyashi Thank you for following me too.😄
You are welcome.
I was wrong.
To: miumiu917 me too🙏😊
To: kuriyashi I thank you as well for return follow.
To: JaohOhlunlaa Is it a dish
To: JaohOhlunlaa Is it the dish of what a country?
To: kuriyashi It is Thai dessert.😋😊
To: JaohOhlunlaa I understood it.
Thank you.☻
To: kuriyashi Good night 😘💤💤
To: JaohOhlunlaa good nignt,and sweet dreem.
Thank you for following me(*´w`*)
เห็นแล้ว น้ำยายไยย >~<
To: kottchaporn 😁😁เรียนหนักหรอ เค้าก็ห่างหายจากแอพนี้ไปนานเหมือนกัน
Thank you follow me!!
To: yoritoshi 😊😊
Hi, Thank you for following me🎀
I'm following you too😘🍒
To: snaptaken Thank you 🙏😊😘
thanks follow me(〃^ー^〃)
To: Earlgley ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
Thank you for the follow.
To: KAZARA me too😊
Thank you! follow me(#^.^#)
To: kossyj46 (*≧∇≦*)
Thank you for following me ♪♪♪
(^-^)/ Happy 〜!!!
To: ran2ran You're welcome🙏😊
To: Maririnskr ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
wow, these are so lovely!
To: carmenwen Thank you😊😘
Thank you for the follow me. (≧∀≦)
To: akkomama 😘😊
Thank you for follow(^^)
To: mm88chu 🙏😊
To: watamaruko sorry,I don't understand.😭but I thank you for comment
To: yuyumino To: watamaruko sorry,I don't understand.😭but I thank you for comment
Thank you for follow me♬♬♬ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
To: yuyumino ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
Welcome here thank you follow me!
To: kappas 🙏😊you're welcome
thank you
( ❝̆ ·̫̮ ❝̆ )✧
To: nry12635 me too🙏😊
So cute!!
To: makisteve 😆Thank you🍓🍉🍒🍐🌽
I wanna eat!! Yum:)
To: sayachannookasi sorry😭I don't understand.😅
Thank you for following me♡
To: echo1188 (=^ェ^=)
Hi( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Thank you so much♡ I wanna eat this sweets♪( ´▽`) so cute!!
To: ymym0926 Thank youヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
It's yummy.(*≧∇≦*)
Thank you for follow me💕

very very beautiful ✨✨✨💕
To: MIZUHO68KANAI Thank you😊😘
This sweets is nothing in japan.

very fantastic✨✨✨
Hello!Follow Thank you😃
🍀Jaoh Ohlunlaa🍀 から ニョタ🌟
もぐもぐ! (439)
リスナップ (2)