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  • 23もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2013/05/28
  • 352

Bumble Bee Cupcake

みんなの投稿 (6)
Does it have a honey flavour? Looks delicious!
Debbie から Blanka Budak
What a brilliant idea! I never thought of making a honey cupcakes, I will do so the next time 😄Thank you! This was actually a chocolate cupcake beneath the hive.
Blanka Budak から Debbie
The colour of your cream is just right so it imidiately made me think of honey flavour. I think it could taste delicious! Let me know how it turned out 🍯😊😊
Debbie から Blanka Budak
The hive is made of fondant actually, I rolled then into a rope and twill them around the cupcake. Thanks for yr idea, will try and let you know the outcome 😊
So cute!
Debbie から Franny
Thank you! Franny
もぐもぐ! (23)