• お気に入り
  • 44もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2014/06/10
  • 175


みんなの投稿 (3)
Bonjour, is looking you are a Pastry Addict. If you want some help or some recipe I would be please to help you or give you some of it. I use to be An Pastry Head Chef. And thank you to follow me. Mes amitiés
Love,Dream&Happiness から PHILIPPE
Thank you following me!
Are you chef in France,aren't you?That's cool!Nice to meet you.
PHILIPPE から Love,Dream&Happiness
Not anymore I used to be. Did had to stop because I had a flour allergy. But still make some desserts for my pleasure.
もぐもぐ! (44)