• お気に入り
  • 10もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2014/12/11
  • 189

Overnight pumpkin oats

みんなの投稿 (5)
How do you make pumpkin oats? Oats means oatmeal?
I've been curious about whether your husband eats this,too. This is too pretty💕
coxiella24 から Yayowe
I just steam the kabocha pumpkin, mash it, add milk and rolled oats, refrigerate overnight. No he doesn't eat, just me 😬
Yayowe から coxiella24
Is it a popular way to cook? I have no idea what the rolled oats are. I think there are few Japanese who eat oats.
What a shame!😕Your husband will be surely healthy with your cooking!
Oh, I googled "rolled oats". They are usually mixed in muesli, aren't they?Do you refrigerate it just to make soft?
coxiella24 から Yayowe
Yes rolled oats can be found in muesli. Soaking overnight softens the oats so it's not that chewy, also makes it easier to digest
もぐもぐ! (10)