• お気に入り
  • 15もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2020/03/26
  • 238

Tailgate Potatoes with Fresh "DITCH" Onions!

みんなの投稿 (1)
where to get fresh ditch onions and if you don't know what ditch onions are there the one that you pick up the side of the road and you come home and clean them up and cook with them.
Aroma is very sweet , they're amazingd!!
explain all your we have to take your first fight senses hit high gear when you take invite us lunch. Your nose Tingles, your eyes water, and your palate is having a party as the sweet flavors release in your mouth, with a soft, yet felt bitrinthe end.
If you are as privileged as we are, please find them, they are a blessing for any chef, at home cook or just learning....

trust me
#tailgate #potatoes fried #catfish
#caught fresh #water to table
#ditch onions #fresh pickrd
もぐもぐ! (15)