In a bowl pour the flour and make a puddle in the center. We will add the olive oil, raki and water, stir to create a dough.
Knead until the dough does not stick in our hands and leave covered with a damp towel for 30 minutes.
Split the dough into 2 equal pieces. On floured countertop roll the dough with the help of a rolling pin. Roll out a large sheet superfine each dough and divide into five horizontal bands with the help of a cutter or sharp knife.
Spread the edges of each strip with cheese, crumbled with a fork. We close the roll, not too tight and wrap it in <turban>.
Fry sarikopites in enough oil from both sides to get gold! We touch a paper towel for a few minutes before serving, to absorb excess oil.
While they are hot drizzle sarikopites with honey and sesame. Hot or cold, with or without honey sarikopites are the most delicious sweet pies I have ever eaten.