• お気に入り
  • 7もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2015/07/26
  • 374

Crispy n' Sticky Style Tomato & Cumin Rice with Panfried Mini-Kebab accompanied with Mixed Cabbage Salad「كته گوجه فرنگى و كباب تابه اى」


About Persian Style Rice:

Long grain rice such as Basmati is the main type of rice consumed by Persians.
Generally through the cooking process, the excess starch from the rice is discarded so it could be considered a healthier alternative to other styles of cooking rice.

Traditionally salt flavour buttered rice is the most popular among Persians where salt and butter is added to rice for improved aroma and taste.
Also, it is popular to allow a crispy layer form at the bottom of the pot by allowing the rice to overcook and fry a little or even use a layer of potatoes, bread or lettuce to create this crispy layer of extra yumminess! 👍🏼❤️😋👌🏼
Serving a layer of saffron rice on the top of a plate of plain rice is also another popular action which improves rice both aesthetically and taste and aroma wise.

Recently for health reasons many people use less or no butter or solid oil or substitute it completely with a healthier options such as vegetable or olive oil.

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