Extremely high at the rare index indeed.... I get up early too,but I rarely feel like having a big breakfast like this,so I guess it's nothing to do with age.But what a grand breakfast,I love it more than the one at anteroom,I absolutely don't mind having this once for a while as a treat!!Love this style of Spanish omelette ,lovely chunky piece with very tempting roasted colour.Pepper and tofu dip,that's healthy option indeed,nice going!Hey,would you mind telling me what kind of spread is that labelled with friendship?(I think that's a good label!) Let me talk about the napkin too,love that colour,is it the front side?Sometime having the label in the front is the design itself. About getting up too early,I recommend you do some kind of exercise regularly,you will get a better quality sleep!
Tho I can't eat right after waking up,sometimes I become crazy.. what a large serving my breakfast was! I surpassed anteroom's breakfast with the only amount,right?😁🎶This post have a very significant relating our Sunday's gathering. You know our topics are always foods,Hironobu san made us laugh,I wanna tell you when we meet up😊exactly! It's special spread✨called friendship spread which made from kindness, sincere heart,a bit of joke and salt.. Just kidding,it's just my ordinary cheese spread..😋Darling...I know you are too much clever,I bet you aware this napkin is opposite cuz you could read label's letter...😑💦 You know I am insensitive of like this part,I didn't realize until you mentioned anyway...😂🙀💦thanks😘💕I love your kindness,I know you have training regularly, Looking at you,I feel like you never get old..so I'll follow your advice😄💪🎶🎶
I see...in that case,please remove the label so it won't be in your way,and you could use it front or back! Just the tiniest imperfection,you are sensitive in so many other ways,please don't be so hard on yourself...👍
普段 朝ごはんを食べないわたしにとってこれはレア度MAX☝️☝
この間 わたしの愛すべき姉さま方が奈良に来てくれました💕
その時の楽しい会話を思い出しながら 作ったよ😊
ロミちゃんファンの皆様の為に 貴方を引きづり出します😁😘
チリオイルのトマトのグリル甘さも香りもよくすごく美味しかったです💕 また次は違う使い方考えるのが楽しみです😊😋 美味しいアイデアありがとうございます〜🙏🙏
わたしの周りはビーガンやベジタリアンが多いので肩身のせまい私にとってティーンは神です👍💕 とりあえず明日から使ってみます😁
ゆかりさんもこないだのツーブロックスタイル、かなり素敵でした*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
今日もあぢぃ〜ね〜😫💦 早く冬来て欲しいよ‼︎⛄️⛄️✨
さすがお江戸なんでもイカした価格だそね〜😳 わだすのような土民モーニングと比べてもらうの恐れ多いっすわ😁💦 そういえば最近 東京ではスニーカー狩りは落ち着いたかしら...??
😂😂その会話 実は夫婦だったんじゃない? なんだかデジャヴよ😂💕
次回は 秋めいた頃2集まろう〜♪ちょうどハロウィンなんかも絡め........なくてもシート作って背負って待ってるからね😁💕その時はなみちゃんのスパニッシュオムレツ希望〜😍🙏💕
あ🎶バレた⁉️ラード?てへリンコ😋 ティーンの教え ラードは飲みもの の教えに従ってみたよ👍
やぱ夏はミーガンだよね〜✨✨ リネンシャツとか着たら怒られるのかなぁ。。?
てか王将師匠に餃子の食べ方講座開いてもらうの楽しみにしてるから😂👍😍 わたしももう大人だし王将での礼儀作法やマナーちゃんと学びたいわ😁🙏🎶
I get up early too,but I rarely feel like having a big breakfast like this,so I guess it's nothing to do with age.But what a grand breakfast,I love it more than the one at anteroom,I absolutely don't mind having this once for a while as a treat!!Love this style of Spanish omelette ,lovely chunky piece with very tempting roasted colour.Pepper and tofu dip,that's healthy option indeed,nice going!Hey,would you mind telling me what kind of spread is that labelled with friendship?(I think that's a good label!)
Let me talk about the napkin too,love that colour,is it the front side?Sometime having the label in the front is the design itself.
About getting up too early,I recommend you do some kind of exercise regularly,you will get a better quality sleep!
sincere heart,a bit of joke and salt..
Just kidding,it's just my ordinary cheese spread..😋Darling...I know you are too much clever,I bet you aware this napkin is opposite cuz you could read label's letter...😑💦 You know I am insensitive of like this part,I didn't realize until you mentioned anyway...😂🙀💦thanks😘💕I love your kindness,I know you have training regularly,
Looking at you,I feel like you never get old..so I'll follow your advice😄💪🎶🎶
Just the tiniest imperfection,you are sensitive in so many other ways,please don't be so hard on yourself...👍
でへ♪ 平日の朝にありえないくらい食べ過ぎてしまいました。。げへ🎶
な、な、なんと〜😳 ちぽちゃんは今巷でトレンドなリケジョだったの〜⁉️ カッケ〜〜✨✨ ジュラ期ってことは...もしかしてこのトレンドの火付け役はちぽちゃんだったのかもだよ😳👍💕
実験器具 耐熱だから台所で役立つのでわたしも重宝してますよ😁😁