• お気に入り
  • 16もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2012/09/09
  • 176

Trivia's Chicken and Waffles❤❤❤

みんなの投稿 (8)
Always wonder how these are eaten together ,but since you are eating it,I am sure it make sense,want to try sometime!
To: rikk
Good Morning via US✨
Chicken and waffles are and Awesome combo! The first time I saw it... Kinda looked wrong. But when I tried ! Yummy!!
This is a Southern Favorite!
I like how cool the waffles look in Hong Kong!
To: Trivia36 good morning!Saw this in some cook show the first time,I was skeptical about it,but now I want to try....I think you are talking the Belgium waffles,the ones I had in Tokyo was even better!
To: rikk
Rick! They look so interesting in their Bubble shape?
Are they vanilla waffles?
To: Trivia36 oh bubble shape ones,those are from Hong Kong all right,not exactly waffles but similar preparation,they are called"little eggs",it's mainly eggs,flour,milk,and I think they put some custard powder and vanilla flavouring too.But where did you see these street food from HK?
To: rikk
I saw it on a newsfeed pic for this site. So those that you are speaking of are traditional??
To: Trivia36 oh I see...I think the Belgium ones are the traditional ones,the squares are deeper,and they are made so that it crispy on the outside and soft inside,eaten with flavoured butter and syrup,super yummy!
To: rikk
Yes! :)) You're making me hungry! *giggling*
もぐもぐ! (16)