• お気に入り
  • 44もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2012/06/03
  • 771


みんなの投稿 (20)
(・・;)♡ もちろん辛部は活動♡
Good looking dish!Been reading "辛部活動"in the comments,but can't find any appropriate meaning in the dictionary.....
私もリフォローさせてもらいます\(♪( ´θ`)ノよろしくお願いしますね!
To: Tayuko
よろモグお願いします( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
To: rikk thank you!!
About 辛部活動☆People who are using SD are joking around with everyone's favorite kind of foods. And making many clubs (groups)
As far as I know...
木耳 / judas's-ear 部 club
砂肝 / gizzard 部club
顔 / making face with food 部 club
辛 / Spicy 部club
To: rikk and every time when someone cooked or eat those specific food we say 部活動.
For me I'm in love with hot spicy food and adding spices on most meal I had so, 辛部活動!most time!
To: naoku02 こちらこそょろしくです♡
To: Tayuko oh I get it now,and this is funny!Thank you for letting me know!
And even a club for making face with food??
To: marikoszk 洋風…♡ なので、今日は粉のカレースパイス(クミン、マスタード、フェヌグリーク等…)オリーブオイル、バター、ニンニク、生姜、洋風ブイヨンなどなど。使い味付けしました…♡
粉チーズと乾燥スパイスをフリフリ…☆ 洋風に仕上げてみました。
To: rikk I guess everyone can also make any club they want to!!!!! Even have a SD group in Facebook if you are interested!
It was made about 2 weeks ago!
To: marikoszk ありがとう♡
最近買ったばかりのアンティークです(^_-)♡ 新品でかなり嬉しかったです…女性はやっぱり光ってるとトキメクのかしら…☆
To: tomo115 こちらこそよろモグ♡
To: rikk you can see the club leader of the "making face with food" on my list of yummy person on this dish. Her icon is a face made with toast!
To: tomocarat ありがとうございます(=^x^=)
To: Tayuko I just checked.I have a friend who likes to do that exactly,he'll be thrilled to know that there is a club for it,this is so cool,SD really is a wonderful community,but I am so ashamed,I still haven't set up my FB page yet....Thank you so much for taking time to reply,good night!
To: rikk it's just all for fun!!
And everyone loves to eat and cook overhere!
もぐもぐ! (44)