• お気に入り
  • 25もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
みんなの投稿 (1)
It’s already very hot around. So our desire to stay too much in the kitchen diminishes by the day 🙈.

However, we have to eat, but we try to keep everything super simple. For instance, the other day, we had our Mediterranean Tuna Salad (appetizer section of our website).

It was delicious as always, and it reminded us that the summer holiday was just around the corner. 🤩

How are you handling heat these days?
#summerfood .
#itshot .
#itshotoutside🔥 .
#summerfoods .
#tunasalad .
#healthytunasalad .
もぐもぐ! (25)