• お気に入り
  • 325もぐもぐ!
  • 24リスナップ
  • 2013/08/30
  • 2,001


みんなの投稿 (22)
Quick fix for lunch,I used canned sardine for this.

🎶Damien Rice🎶 Made two excellent albums and disappeared from the scene,I hope he has something new for us soon!
yuuuummmy !!!!!
rick chan から icook_ibake_ieat
Thank you,I am so glad you like this!
rick chan から miyako
Thank you,you are so kind!
rick chan から 中村繁之
Thank you my friend,it was a silly mistake,I have corrected it.Thank you so much for resnap too!
To: rikk Youer welcom!
Oh,your pasta💕it looks really good!!
I think quickly 'n tasty is goody-
goody for us!
Sure, agreed! Iwashi and Ume are best matching!
Oh〜my gosh! Damien Rice!!
I LOVE💕oh💦Now he take a resting from music activities for a while? That's too bad...
I was used to listening.my fave song"I remember". Or..
I forgot title😁I've one more fav song!
Anyway,I'll listen it tomorrow🎶
rick chan から ゆかり
Thank you Yukari San,very basic matching of Japanese flavours,this kind of wafu pasta are at top of my eating list,so easy and delicious,and canned sardines is my best friend,so versatile,and save me from hungry late nights!
That's so good,you like Damien too,I just don't know what happen to him,ma
rick chan から ゆかり
,made too good music and then gone for too long…the whole "0" is so good,I sure like "I remember",I also like "the blower's daughter, "amie", "eskimo".I just love people could sing with so much emotion,sad or happy!There really isn't any replacement for him,let's wish him come back soon!If not,these
rick chan から ゆかり
two albums will still last me as long as I live!!
I like Umeboshi spaghetti and made it yesterday. But... I have to say again I prefer yours. 😭
rick chan から mikachi
I saw it just now,let's say it's a different approach,your is plain but good,more focus on the ume flavour,I would say it's good for ladies because it makes a great light meal.Mine is for guys like me,need more substantial meal with all the toppings!But I will swap yours with mine anytime!Thanks for
rick chan から mikachi
To: rikk
Thanx rick san😊🎶
I see,I like all of your picked songs💕Yes of course! I'm praying for his back!! Strong!!
Thanx! night,night😪💤
thank you for re-snap :)
rick chan から apple
rick chan から miyako
You are always welcome,thank you too!
ur welcome !!!
もぐもぐ! (325)
リスナップ (24)