I was not able to make such savory congee so far! I didn't know that 皮蛋 work well in this!Love it!! I gotta say to you billion thanks😊🙏 ( I couldn't get duck皮蛋,so i used quail 皮蛋 instead of that .so it's tiny..) this time,i couldn't ready 油條. but i've good recipe already, I'll definitely try next!
Am I looking at the creation of a Chinese chef?I think I am! Really nothing could stop you,you make it like a pro,congee is the perfect consistency,rice grains look soft and fluffy,meaning the right timing and level of heat!I also had quail 皮旦too,I love them,but I haven't seen them here for a long t
time,and strangely you could only get them in Nara,maybe that's where I have to go too! That's right,鹹 means salty and savoury.My mum does it differently,she marinates the pork,and usually pork bones as well,with lots of salt,a bit like your 塩豚,and put pork in the congee right at the beginning,that'
that's how you get a very flavorful congee base,and pork still has a nice texture and an intense flavour even after cooking for a long time,this is a more homemade style. I have seen you did daikon cake,I have no doubt that they are good,especially yours kept well in shape after frying.I love aspara
To: rikk Haha! you are too kind,I've long distance until catch up with Chinese chef,but i'm greatly honored by your words😊🙏💕 I thank to both Mr.chan✨( especially Mr."rick" chan) Well..What a tasty congee you always eat in HK! It's my first try to use 皮蛋 or lean pork in this.it make more flavorful,i
i'm into this taste! ( there is my regular Cantonese restaurant,they serve 皮蛋 separate plate with congee.so I've been thought 皮蛋 is just garnish...I should have notice earlier 😁💦) so I'll make this congee constantly from now on😊 I see now,japanese has only 塩,but you using many variety letter of "s
"salty or salt".I learned something thanks to you. About daikon cake,i remembering clearly your mom made neatly turnip cake,i'm green hand than your mom.. i wanted to make it with turnip, however i couldn't get turnip..aww hopefully..I wanna try to use Chinese sausage in this too..sounds tasty😍 yes
A few more words about Chinese characters,if you are interested.Sometimes the same meaning of one word could have a few different writings,because there are the traditional,simiplified(mainly used in China),and some old words too.They took a long time to evolve to the present state,so it could be co
confusing to many! And thanks for remembering my mum's turnip cake,she made a lot this year too,it's an hot item amongst friends. Are you interested in Chinese sausages?Could you get in Nara?If not I could get you some really good ones from here,just say it,and they are in the way!!
To: rikk 原来如此! Sounds like you have to become able to remember the numerous character,Seems lots confusing.I forgot many characters since using PC..so I look up to you with worship in my eyes! Thank you so much your offer🙇💕if i couldn't find Chinese sausage,I'll ask you then🙏🎶 However,i maybe fly t
to HK sooner or later😊 Please take me grocery or market if that happens. I interesting your mum's turnip cake so much! i can imagine how it good taste cuz that's your mum's made! i love turnip cake,but there are many variety recipes and i couldn't choose best one.. If i don't make bother your mum, p
Wow you wrote Chinese,that's so cool! Of course I'll take you to market and groceries shopping,this is my specialty,and you are very welcome by HK!But I'll probably make to Nara before you come,let me work on something and I'll let you know whether I come in spring or autumn.Just want to know,is the
there any inconvenient time for you? About mum's turnip cake,it's a little difficult now,but I'll learn from her first,before I could show you,you see she doesn't work with measurements,a bit of this and a ladle of that...so I have to watch and put things down.And she doesn't spend much time in HK n
now,and she only make them at the end of the year,so I have to wait til then.I wasn't going to learn,but so many people had asked me to,guess I am going to do it then...but once you know this,you won't be needing another recipe,I promise!
そんなわたしに なんと!rickさんが香港のレシピ本を送って下さいました😭💕 rickさん優しい〜✨嬉しい〜✨ありがとう〜✨
今後わたしの投稿は中華料理が続きますが そこんとこよろしくです♪
あとは、大根餅と、牛肉とアスパラのブラックペッパーとオイスターソースの炒めもの でした♪
I gotta say to you billion thanks😊🙏 ( I couldn't get duck皮蛋,so i used quail 皮蛋 instead of that .so it's tiny..) this time,i couldn't ready 油條. but i've good recipe already, I'll definitely try next!
Really nothing could stop you,you make it like a pro,congee is the perfect consistency,rice grains look soft and fluffy,meaning the right timing and level of heat!I also had quail 皮旦too,I love them,but I haven't seen them here for a long t
That's right,鹹 means salty and savoury.My mum does it differently,she marinates the pork,and usually pork bones as well,with lots of salt,a bit like your 塩豚,and put pork in the congee right at the beginning,that'
I have seen you did daikon cake,I have no doubt that they are good,especially yours kept well in shape after frying.I love aspara
そうなんです!わたし今までレストランでもよく中華粥を注文していたんですが、今まで食べた中で一番美味しいお粥でした♪ 皮蛋がお粥に超絶マッチしてました♪ リックさんに感謝です😭🙏
でしょ⁈ 本場の料理本って私にとったらティファニーレベルですよ✨(持ってないけど♪) 日本の本屋さんではまず見かけない本場のお料理がたくさん載ってて、英語と中国語で書かれているから読みながら中国語の勉強もできるんです😊🎶さすが我がお師匠さまのチョイスです✨
ケイさんと好みが一緒で嬉しいです✨ わたしもまだまだ本場のようには出来ませんが、リックさんのレシピ本のおかげで少し本場に近づけました♪ ともに中華粥倶楽部結成しましょう〜😊🎶🎶
さっちゃんリスナップもありがとう😊🙏💕 いやぁ、わたしも全然中国語知らないから新鮮だよ〜!
中国語って画数多いからカッコいいよね✨✨ 痩肉って脂肪分の少ないロースやヒレって意味っぽいよ♪
ほんと嬉しいよね‼ わたし今まで本のプレゼントで感動した事なかったから…(代表的な例は…小学校の時に叔父から贈られたアランの幸福論😂…小学校で普通さぁ幸福の原理について考える⁈ わたし幸福より アサリちゃん観てたわぁ 😁💦)
らね💪💕💕 命名権はロミちゃんに👍✨✨
Haha! you are too kind,I've long distance until catch up with Chinese chef,but i'm greatly honored by your words😊🙏💕
I thank to both Mr.chan✨( especially Mr."rick" chan)
Well..What a tasty congee you always eat in HK! It's my first try to use 皮蛋 or lean pork in this.it make more flavorful,i
I see now,japanese has only 塩,but you using many variety letter of "s
About daikon cake,i remembering clearly your mom made neatly turnip cake,i'm green hand than your mom.. i wanted to make it with turnip,
however i couldn't get turnip..aww hopefully..I wanna try to use Chinese sausage in this too..sounds tasty😍
Thank you so much my friend✨✨
この器わたしもお気に入りです♪ むかしむかしにベトナムで買ったんだけど、いくつか割っちゃったので大切に使ってます😊🎶
And thanks for remembering my mum's turnip cake,she made a lot this year too,it's an hot item amongst friends.
Are you interested in Chinese sausages?Could you get in Nara?If not I could get you some really good ones from here,just say it,and they are in the way!!
大好き(๑˃̶͈̀ ᵕ ॣ˂̶͈́๑)💕💕
原来如此! Sounds like you have to become able to remember the numerous character,Seems lots confusing.I forgot many characters since using PC..so I look up to you with worship in my eyes! Thank you so much your offer🙇💕if i couldn't find Chinese sausage,I'll ask you then🙏🎶
However,i maybe fly t
I interesting your mum's turnip cake so much! i can imagine how it good taste cuz that's your mum's made! i love turnip cake,but there are many variety recipes and i couldn't choose best one.. If i don't make bother your mum, p
わたしも大好きで以前もよく作っていましたが、今までで一番美味しいお粥が家で食べれてrickさんに感謝です🙏✨ 91chanさん(この呼び方でいいのでしょうか?💦)も中華粥お好きならともに中華粥倶楽部結成しましょう〜😊💕
Of course I'll take you to market and groceries shopping,this is my specialty,and you are very welcome by HK!But I'll probably make to Nara before you come,let me work on something and I'll let you know whether I come in spring or autumn.Just want to know,is the
About mum's turnip cake,it's a little difficult now,but I'll learn from her first,before I could show you,you see she doesn't work with measurements,a bit of this and a ladle of that...so I have to watch and put things down.And she doesn't spend much time in HK n
ありがとうございました₍₍ ( ๑॔˃̶◡ ˂̶๑॓)◞♡
Really? Will you come to Nara?🙌✨
I'm sooooo glad if you came here!
This is just quick note,I'll mail you later!
わぁい〜🎶じゃあ、どんぶりちゃん💕 (早速呼んでみる馴れ馴れしいわたし😁💦)