• お気に入り
  • 227もぐもぐ!
  • 25リスナップ
  • 2014/08/18
  • 1,749


みんなの投稿 (6)
With ゴーヤ、豚ひき肉、ねぎ、たまこ、レタス、しらす....
It's 夏チャーハン👍✨✨
I know Goya is fine food for our health.i want to try to cook more,but my Goya dishes too bad..(too much bitter than restaurant's cuisine..)
Do you take a pretreatment for remove bitter taste?
I want to make tasty ゴーヤチャンプル or like your fusion cuisine...
Yours looks so good,especially
especially I love adding シラス in fried rice!😋🎶
rick chan から ゆかり
Thanks so much!
If you don't mind ゴーヤ,I would recommend this fry rice to you!Its has many things going on in one bite,and flavours and texture complement each others so well.My method of removing bitterness is same as everyone else's.Sprinkle salt on cut ゴーヤ and leave for a while,then rinse.Or somet
sometimes I quickly blanch in boiling water then refresh in ice water.It depends on the dish.And yes,じらす makes a big difference!Please try,it's perfect for summer time!
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もぐもぐ! (227)
リスナップ (25)