• お気に入り
  • 181もぐもぐ!
  • 4リスナップ
  • 2013/01/30
  • 1,095


みんなの投稿 (21)
This will always bring back great memories.Long time ago me and my friends went for a ski trip in Nagano,one night we got bored of hotel food and we went out in -6 degrees to look for something to eat,we found a small family run izakaya and gave it a try,the owner offered us a "かもなべ",I didn't speak
Looks bomb!!
Continued from👆:much Japanese and didn't know what it was,but we took it anyway,this arrived the table and needle to say it was delicious,I could never forget the warmth and happiness it gave us!
To: Grubbin thank you ,glad you like it!
I would like to eat buckwheat noodles.
真不錯!清淡不油膩。邊上那碗soba也很誘人 😋😋
To: noborionapple 對啊,很久之前的事了,但是印象深刻的一道菜,就是很喜歡食物帶給我這樣的回憶!
To: MangoPudding 謝謝!Soba 配鴨真的不錯,日本有一道"鴨南蛮そば(soba)"我也很喜歡,在東京的Honmura An吃過一碗很出色的,可惜他們在紐約的分店結業了,不然的話你也可試試。
To: rikk 我愛吃的也是都帶有回憶,溫暖的料理幸福的感覺!😊
To: tomoemoe thank you for resnap!I love duck with soba too,I always order 鴨南蛮そば in soba place when I come to Tokyo!
rikk, what a nice story!! I really respect that u always tell some nice short stories when u posted. I really like to read those after the nice snaps,, thanks!!👍👍👍
To: raycheal I cherish all the memories food brings me,it reminds me the people I was seeing and the places I have been,and sometimes vice versa,so happy I could share my story and I have to thank everyone for taking time reading it,very much appreciated,I sincerely hope you have great memories that
To: raycheal food brings too!
To: raycheal thanks for resnap too!
To: mcg1990 not bad this one!
Looks good!!!
To: cookiejoe thank you Joanne,glad you like this!
To: rikk that's comfort food for me! :)
To: powerofdreams you are welcome!
もぐもぐ! (181)
リスナップ (4)