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  • 3もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2013/07/27
  • 148

Marmite on toast with tomato garnish

みんなの投稿 (4)
Hmmm... Maybe a tad too liberal with the black stuff there!
Nick Hider から Alan (Fred) Pipes
I know Marmite always advise that their product should be 'spread thinly', but I prefer the intensity of thickly spread Marmite. I was also hoping for enhanced dramatic impact when using the thicker spread approach during this morn's toast photo session.
Alan (Fred) Pipes から Nick Hider
And think of all those B vitamins!
Nick Hider から Alan (Fred) Pipes
Buzzing with vitamin B right now. Had to use extra strong mouth wash after this morn's Marmite dosage though.
もぐもぐ! (3)