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  • 2015/02/16
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Oatmeal honey cinnamon bread

みんなの投稿 (25)
Love this,with cinnamon and honey,how could I not?
ハニーとシナモン、プラスバターですね♡ 絶対美味しいですね
我超喜歡這張照片! 是在樹蔭拍的嗎? 左邊看見的是 aotmeal 嗎?
這個麵包也蠻好吃的樣子! 能不能提供做法? 英語也行。
rick chan から 麻紀子
Thank you Makiko San!This is very delicious with cinnamon and honey,good fibre from oatmeal too,but it also has butter and sugar in it,so I am not exactly sure if this is healthier bread than my usual country bread.
This is a smooth and soft bread,but oatmeal inside really adds nice texture,I enjoy
this lot!
rick chan から まちまちこ
謝謝你的留意!照片在我的睡房拍的,一邊吃早餐一邊在電腦旁看新聞是我每天早上的習慣。我看見有陽光照進來,跟窗旁的盆栽做成有趣的剪影,便利用了它做了構圖,所以便有了這張照片。左邊是oatmeal燕麥,麵包裏也加進一些,我在網路上隅然看到的食譜,看似蠻不錯的,便試試做。有興趣的話可到 joy the baker 的 blog 裏找,很容易的!不過我改良過的,放少了酵母,時間長一些的,但依照她的做法也應該不錯的!
Thank you Mr. Gladpapa,I am happy you like my bread!
Haha,you remember I like McDonald's too!I sometimes want to get a lot too! But I wonder why you eat Mac three times a day....too busy to cook?I agree it's convenient and always tastes delicious,but we miss your cooking here too,please cook more!
name_undef から rick chan
Thank you too, that's right! I sometimes have a long waiting time for work, and many a day they have nothing at all to eat time,therefore I think that it is not so healthy..The balance of the eating habits is very important, I'm try for handmade dish more!
🚶🚶⁇ Where's this yummy smell comes from?...I got it! that's boulangerie Rick! 🍞✨
Wow,Rick! I could imagine this freshly bake aroma! Did you enjoy that aroma?
I love cinnamon,but This idea never came across my mind! Honey and cinnamon...💕
sounds so fascinating!
Btw,Your loaf bread is supremely perfec
perfect!😳👍✨I can see yours fine textured dough! Is it hand kneaded dough? It's very good anyway! Lastly..写真がとても美しい〜✨✨
rick chan から ゆかり
Thanks my dear foodie bread loving friend!It did produce a nice aroma when baking!
I was browsing through Internet and I found this,I love the idea of having some fibre in my daily bread,I never tried oatmeal.And there was cinnamon too,I just couldn't resist that,I didn't know other bread with cinn
cinnamon apart from the cinnamon roll,so this combination sounds appealing enough to try.Although I absolutely wouldn't mind hand kneading it,I also thought I save time and do something else,that way I could make use of my kitchen aid too!Thanks again my art-expert friend,I shot this in my room,morn
morning sun shinning in and make some nice silhouette from my plants at window sill,always encouraging you like my photos!
まちまちこ から rick chan
謝謝! 我會找找 joy the baker 的做法!
rick chan から まちまちこ
まちまちこ から rick chan
我很理解你的感情,我在鄉下長大的,可是現在很少接觸到大自然的機會了😢 可是我和你不同,常常把植物枯萎了😅 比如說去旅遊、或者回鄉探親的時候⋯ 你去旅遊的時候由誰照顧植物呢?

哈哈! 綠色拇指指的是園藝才能,就是英語的 green thumb。我在美國的動畫片上學的。你十分擅長英語,所以我以為你也知道呢!
rick chan から まちまちこ
英文還可以,但絕對說不上擅哩,還有太多未聽過的,'green thumb'還是第一次,謝謝你,學到新東西了!
まちまちこ から rick chan
你媽媽不在香港的話,鄰居可以替你打理盆栽⁈ 在香港鄰居關係那麼親密! 我們日本人幾乎沒有這麼密切的鄰居關係呢!
'Green thumb' 連你也不認識,肯定是很少人常用的說法的吧!
rick chan から まちまちこ
まちまちこ から rick chan
確實日本人有守望相助的一面,可是另一方面儘可能回避給別人添麻煩。我看日本人的這種特點太過度,對人們的精神上有不好的影響⋯ 😓
rick chan から まちまちこ
まちまちこ から rick chan
rick chan から まちまちこ
もぐもぐ! (251)
リスナップ (33)