In the pot combine dry ingredients, add warm water and oil. Knead until you get homogeneous dough(not soft, not too hard). Cover with cloth and leave at warm place at least 30min until it’s doubled in size.
After the dough has risen, place it on a work surface, knead a little and form 8 balls. Using rolling pin spread the dough (not too thin), spread to around 10-12cm and using smaller mold (around 5cm) make a hole.
Place some sesame into one separate bowl. Prepare the oven tray and place baking sheet in it.
Put 2tbsp of sugar into the pot with a little bit of prepared water and set medium heat and melt it until a little bit caramelised. Pour rest of the water into the pot.
When it’s boiled place one djeverek or two and cook on every side for around 1min. Add more water if it’s vaporizes. Take djeverek out with a skillet and place immediately in the bowl with sesame. Cover with sesame on all sides.
When covered with sesame place djeverek on baking sheet. You can sprinkle with some coarse salt on the top.
Preheat the oven to 220C and bake it for 30min(or less) until it’s golden-yellow in colour.