Cut the ham, the onion and the garlic in very little cubes. cut the parsley. Put all in a bowl. Add the joghurt, mustard and spices and whisk good.
Roll out the dough in a octagon or in two quaders to make 8 triangles (1 long and two short sides).
Sepperate the egg in white and yellow in two little bowls.
Take a cooking / baking brush dig in the egg white and paint the borders of the triangles (1 cm). Let the middle unpainted. In the middle you put 1-2 tea spoons of the ham filling. Now spread the filling, so that the borders are still intact. Now take the long side of the triangle and roll all to the edge. Then form a Croissant and put it on a baking tray with baking paper.
At the end paint them with a mix of egg yellow and a two spoons of cream or milk.
Preheat the oven on 180 degrees and use air circulation. Then bake them for about 17-20 minutes so that they are a little Brown and the dough crispy.
Serve with salad or pumpkin soup or eat them aß Apèro with dip or Cocktail sauce 😊.