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Pan fried pork chop,pineapple and coconut chutney,potato purée with shiso

みんなの投稿 (34)
Almost everything was made with what I had at home already,just needed to buy a fresh pineapple.They are in season and looking irresistible in the market!
Thank-u for following me.😊

pork shop 😃❤

I like it.🙋

yoroshiku onegai shi masu.

Your dishes is so fantastic.
wrong (^^;;💦

pork chop.😅
rick chan から Seiai Den
Sorry for the late reply.I have lots of respect for vegetarian.I also love all vegetable dishes,and I eat them at least one day a week.But I can't give up meat yet.Thanks so much for visiting and the compliment!
rick chan から ☆Yumi☆
Sorry for the late reply,and thank you for following,kind comments too!I got a nice pork chop from the nice pork shop!I also love your dishes!
☆Yumi☆ から rick chan
Hi Rick

I knew you were always busy.
Don't say sorry to me.
If you can reply anytimes it's okay.
Sorry my english is broken.
ha! 😞
Hope you understand.
well I love your dishes too.
I'm keep trying to cook my
rick chan から 麻紀子
Sorry for late reply,Makiko San,I almost missed your comment...thank you,I think shiso is similar to basil,and I have seen basil added into potato purée too,also basil goes well with pineapple,that's why I used shiso here,those were leftover from the cold pasta dish,I was happy that I cleaned up the
fridge and made a delicious dish!
Hi Rick😄🎶

You're made a meat dish delicious also. Cuisine to make your perfect all.
Is wonderful.💕✨✨✨
Love pineapple&pork!That's correct combination I think!!
And homemade pineapple chutney is sounds so tasty😋
👀✨!!!!New attempt to add Shiso in potato puree! Maybe, no one had ever thought of that wonderful idea so far! There is no doubt that it is very delicious😍 wow..I always receive new flash from
from your posts! Thanks Master😊🙏
Hi,りーちさん,many thanks for the comments!I had some shiso in the fridge,so I added it into potato purée,I thought it should work,because I have seen people use basil for it too.And yes,I love thick cut of pork chop,it's always more juicy!I am glad you like my top photo too,it's spring and summer coming
flowers put everyone in good mood!It was taken long ago at Kyoto,in one of the less crowded 寺.I spent too long there...😁 your photography is always good too!
rick chan から ゆかり
You are welcome,mentor,and thanks so much!I made this mostly with the leftover and what I had already at home.I see people put basil in potato purée and I thought shiso works too.But I need to ask you,is shiso like basil,which should not be chopped to finely?Because flavour seems to be lost a little
I have already add them just before serving.I see beautiful pineapple in the market,I think it would be nice to make pineapple chutney,and I am old school,I love the flavour of piña colada,so I added shredded coconut to make this more interesting,I also use black vinegar and black sugar,so the whole
thing got a bit of tropical Japanese vibes,may be Okinawa...
I see! You used 黒糖,黒酢 in your chutney! I think so too,it's Okinawa taste n Sounds more tasty! You should prepare 泡盛 next time!(As for me, I never drink it😁) about Shiso,I think scent doesn't diminish if it finely chopped.But Shiso is weak at heat.maybe that scent changed with warm potate purée...??d
don't you think?Sorry my vaguely answer🙊💦
rick chan から ゆかり
Thanks for the advice,I think you are absolutely right,shiso don't take heat well,I have already leave it very last to add in the purée,but the flavour still seems to got lost,may be it's better just sprinkled on top.Haha,it's certainly great with 泡盛,but I am weak at alcohol too,I can't drink it str
straight,may be tropical drinks that made with it!Cheers!
yummmmmy :D
rick chan から miyako
Thank you so much,resnaps too!
miyako から rick chan
Ur welcome :)
Hi rick san!!
sorry long time not see your room!
woww nice work you did with only limited items!!
pineapple n coco,that's my fav combination♪potato puree with shiso😊👍seems to my fav too!!!
rick chan から romie
Hi,Romie San!No worry,I am just glad you are visiting!
Thank you,I had nice meal clearing up the fridge!Pork chop is good with most fruits,and what else is better than pineapple since summer arrives,and coconut makes this a little special too,I also love piña colada flavour,best to sit on a beach t
to enjoy!
Seiai Den から rick chan
rick chan から Seiai Den
Thank you for your nice comment too!I could see you are very interested in cooking,your dishes armed all stylish and healthy,please keep up the good work!
Seiai Den から rick chan
Thank you so much!
that looks so good.
rick chan から Heidi Marie Rippy
Thanks so much,very kind of you!
your wlecome and thanks am very kind. to people
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