• お気に入り
  • 54もぐもぐ!
  • 1リスナップ
  • 2012/12/18
  • 984

Cold dishes from Liu Yuan pavilion 留園雅敘

みんなの投稿 (14)
Everyone must have noticed I rarely post restaurant dishes,the reasons simply because I don't find the restaurants here exciting enough to recommend anyone,and most of the time,they are overpriced. But this Shanghainese restaurant has become one of my favorite recently,I could hardly fault any dis
dishes I order.Please give it a try whenever you are in Hong Kong!Also do let me know if you are interested in seeing my restaurant dish photos,I could start to post from now on.
To: rachelxuan 都是很出名的上海菜式,蛋是薰疍,鴨蛋來的,內裏要做到像這樣流質的才好吃。上中間是鎮江肴肉,右邊是馬蘭頭,風味十分獨特的蔬菜,要耐心切得細細碎碎的才好吃。
都超級喜歡!😍😍😍😍 不曉得味道正宗伐?哈哈
To: MangoPudding 不知道,但很權威的朋友說是很正宗的,不過最好由你來說,我做東!
To: rikk 好噠呀!😋😄
To: rikk 請加多post外食dish 嘻嘻
To: MangoPudding 👌
To: chenchengren 這個馬蘭頭真的好吃,他們的做法是帶點甜味的,非常特別。我自己也喜歡做,但怎樣也做不到這個風味。聖誕快樂!
To: rikk 这个是用香干碎拌的吗?我这边买不到马兰头,自己做的时候只能用茼蒿代替,我会放点糖和芝麻。想吃正宗的时候只能去沪菜馆了。圣诞快乐!
To: chenchengren 馬蘭頭在香港也不是到處可以買到,但每區的街市總有一間賣南貨可以找到這類江浙菜的食材,我最喜愛流連這些店舖。這個在北京找不到實在很可惜,沒有我所說的"南貨舖"嗎?這裏是伴了香干,也有餐館會下些切碎的筍。
To: rikk 北京没有分类这么细致的店铺,也或者我没有找到😭
もぐもぐ! (54)
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