• お気に入り
  • 12もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2015/06/14
  • 473

Crispy Rice with Persian Eggplant Stew (Khoresht e Bādemjun) with Jewelled Salad (Salad e Shirazi)


Crispy rice (tah-dig) 「ته ديگ」「ターディッグ」topped with eggplant stew (Khoresht e Bademjun )「خورشت بادمجان」「コレシュテ.バデムジューン」and jewelled salad (Salad e Shirazi) 「سالاد شيرازى」「シラージ サラダ」

This eggplant stew is one of my dad's favourite dishes so every time I make it, it reminds me of my dad ❤︎
It's also has been proven to be a popular dish between my Japanese friends and family 👍🏼

This time I made it with extra tomato and cubed chicken breast pieces instead of the usual lamb to make it a bit more suitable for my current diet and it still was YUMMY ❤️👍🏼😋

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