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  • 2014/01/17
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京風冬野菜のミネストローネ/Kyoto style winter's minestrone

みんなの投稿 (19)
I said I was going to to a winter's minestrone,so here it is.Made with konbu dashi,daikon,daikon leaves,burdock,carrot,taro,soy bean,soymilk,Parmesan.昆布だし、大根、大根葉、こうほ、にんじん、里芋、大豆、豆乳、パルメザン。
So nice! I feeling comfortably warm just looking at this♨
Many good vegetables using in this,
It's stewed softly and looks soooo tasty! I think splendid that you made this without using animal protein ,inclusive soup stock too! This is not only tasty but also healthy.You made this soup impr
impressively evolve from notable soup! Stunning✨✨
Soup dish is my essential during winter season,i've soup usually every day! So i'm happy for your idea! I'll try it too!
And Seems you using fine pan!
Sooooo cool your 雪平鍋(?)✨✨✨
rick chan から 麻紀子
Oh thanks again,I appreciate very much you understand my cooking.Chunky vegetable soup is best for me in winter when I am making vegetarian dinner,and I always find Italian and Kyoto cuisine are quite similar and combine well too,the olive oil and cheese in this soup really make the soup so much bet
better,I enjoy this a lot!
rick chan から Hiroko Suzuki
Thank you,this is good for cold winter!
rick chan から ゆかり
Thanks Yukari San,this is a absolutely wonderful vegetarian soup for me!I got the idea from Il Ghiottone cookbook but I have twisted it around,adding some more ingredients too,I love the Italian and Kyoto combination and I think the olive oil and Parmesan work wonderfully here,giving it some strengt
strength since this is meatless soup base.Wow,I am happy,you notice my 雪平鍋,I love this one to death,but I rarely use it,since this is Kyoto theme,I dug this out.Yes,I bought it in Kyoto's 有次 long time ago,I mean which tourist doesn't leave some money and have his name engraved in something at this f
famous shop?
That's right,you mentioned that you like soup and お椀very much,please try this sometime too,it'll suit your taste I think!
Looks so delicious!😍
Do you use 雪平鍋?
To: rikk
Oh,this from 笹島さん's recipe!
His recipe never let us down.and added your idea too,it must be crazy good taste😍 i swear,give it a try!
Ah,just as I thought,you using 有次‼ 有次's 雪平 has characteristic beak,
it's so well made! You know so many master chef using this 雪平. you soooo cool! You got a
You got a good buy in Kyoto! Please cherish it for ever😌
rick chan から mikachi
Thank you,I have this one that I bought long ago,but I rarely use it,I thought it suits the theme here,so I dug it out!
rick chan から ゆかり
Thank you,makes me happy I had a made some good investments.We should support old shops like this!The knife I am using everyday is from 有次 too,and I love it!You are right,this 雪平鍋is so beautiful,good material used and craftsmanship shown all over,I will listen to you,and cherish the pot for ever,esp
especially the beak!😉(You know everything to the detail,I am impressed!)
rick chan から MyRaX
Thank you,perfect for winter!
もぐもぐ! (331)
リスナップ (27)