Preparation: Boil potatoes (with skin) in water with salt. Cool it off, peel the skin, grate it and divide the amount in two.
Slice ham on small pieces, grate cucumbers and cheese.
Hard boil the eggs, cool them off, separate the egg yolks and whites. Crumble egg yolks on small slots. Finely grate egg whites.
Mix sour cream and greek yoghurt.
Prepare serving plate or glass bowl and put ingredients in the following order:
1. Spread an even layer of mashed potatoes. 2. Spread evenly 100g of sour cream / yoghurt mix over potatoes. 3. Spread ham evenly. 4. Spread 100g of mayonnaise. 5. Sprinkle grated cucumber. 6. Spread 100g of sour cream / yoghurt mix . 7. Spread other half of mashed potatoes 8. Spread 100ml of mayonnaise. 9. Sprinkle grated cheese. 10. Spread 100ml of mayonnaise.
Decoration: Sprinkle the finely crumbled egg yolk evenly. Divide finely grated egg whites in two: add one spoon of red beet juice into one half off egg whites and mix well. Use the spoon to form white and purple "flowers". Garnish with Italian parsley.