When you make dessert,it's unbeatable,this one is heavenly sight for my turn,I don't think tiramisu could get any better than this gorgeous looking thing!I love all coffee dessert,this got to be my all time favorite,thanks for showing me. I don't understand everything,but I am guessing Kulala San is
quitting SD,I wonder what's the reason..,..Such a shame,she is the top favorite and very important person here,everybody will be sad,I wish her the best in future.It's so you,you have such good heart,I have no doubt Kulala San is super happy to see this!
So you used new plate from 安籐 San,you created gorgeous photo with everything!My favorite is his 銀彩 collection,it's super cool,he is definitely the best with this,good pick!
Hi,rick🐒💕I'm glad you liked this.but I'll confide the secret to you only...I shot this photo by single lens cam..I could create good atmosphere compared with usual my photo even usual tiramisu(sure,her recipe is marvelous!)I know you've good sense of photography too,I'm happy to receive your praise.
Wow,that's music to my ears✨you like tiramisu! I also big love since I was teenager.i used to eat for snack after school😋 me too,i love coffee flavored dessert,mocca cake,coffee jelly...affogato too!!I feel like going to go crazy if no coffee in my life😲😣💦😊Yes,it was sad news she'll leave from SD...
she was my yearning user all the time.but I think it's not bad meaning for her.she probably get more precious time to spend with her kids in exchange for gone from here.i wishing for that...
Thank you Rick😁🎶no wonder you thought it's 安藤's works.it's very similar looks with his works,right? but it actually made by 都築明.Sooner or later,we have to see 安藤 san's works together. you'll probably fall in love with his minimal taste😊
大好きで尊敬していたくららちゃんにずっと言いたかった ありがとう‼︎
このティラミスはくららちゃんのレシピ、市販のプリンを使う ティラミス♪
多分沢山のくららちゃんのファンのフォロワーさんが作フォトされるかなぁって思って わたしはこっそり伝える事にしました。だから本人に伝わるかはわからないんですが。。😁💦 そうですね😊くららちゃんこれからもいま今までのように神レシピどんどん生み出していきそうですね✨ 本当に大好きなユーザーさんでした。。😢
I don't understand everything,but I am guessing Kulala San is
わたし 本当に寂しくて 寂し過ぎてブログ始めたんやけど、1日で飽きてん💕 って何の報告や💦
わたしもロミちゃんもユルっとSDしてるから 続いてるんやろね😁
くららちゃんの膨大な傑作レシピ見直してたら つくづく すごい人やったなぁって思ったよ。。😢
まじ〜にょ⁉️ ちぽちゃんに気に入ってもらえたなら ティラミスもわたしの愛犬 はっちゃんも喜ぶよ〜〜✨😭
全然関係ないけど、フォト&コメントってのを フォトコンテストって読んでてハテナ❓って勝手になってたわたしを許してね🙏💕
で!なんて嬉しいリスナップの仕方やの〜〜😭💕 ちぽちゃんのその気持ちが嬉し過ぎる‼︎ ありがとう🙏🙏