Put the ingredients for the soup in the water and slowly boil it. Make the noondle, streching it into 1 mm. tick , fold it several times and cut it in long thin shape. Cut in small pieces the ingredients for the sauce and mix it. Now put the noodles into the boiling soup. Make the taste you like with soya souce for soup and salt. When you serve it, put the sauce in a small bowl.
If you would like to see the cooking step by step, visit my blog. 한국말하신분에게 사진들와 요리법 저의 블로그에 있어요. www.eugeniasarahlee.blogspot.kr/2013/12blog-post_6.html
한국말하신분에게 사진들와 요리법 저의 블로그에 있어요.