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  • 2014/07/30
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みんなの投稿 (51)
Also with 白玉団子,練乳,金時豆.
Always love Japanese tea and It was my wish to visit the beautiful Uji,and finally made happened with the help of my good friend Yukari.Apart from the seeing scenery,it wouldn't make sense if we didn't have some tea dessert there!I totally fell in love with Kyoto style kakigor
kakigori,it's extremely hot these days in HK,it's time to try it out at home,with the 焙煎大和茶 that Yukari and Romi gave me!Big thank you girls,it's the most aromatic ほうじ茶 I ever had,I enjoyed this so much while thinking of you!Also thank you for staying around with me,and all those wonderful gifts,it
is the most memorable vacation for me,let's meet again real soon!
see you tonight!!

あなたは本当に香港に住んでるのかしら?😁Anyway, I miss you so much!!...Plus slight Uji too! You know I said "no need to make post with gift",but actually it was big lie..I've been looking forward to this posts😍✌i was surprised,You reappeared 藤吉style かき氷 wonderfully! It's soooo Japan🎌 Wow..did you make 白玉
白玉too!? I love かき氷 especially putting 白玉💘it's genuine looks that i love,I guess nobody realize HK's guy created this post. Also it brings me back pleasant memories✨
thank you for making amazing post with our gift😭🙏💕I got another memorable post in your posts.
Add,Actually I and Romie picked same tea
same tea without meeting,i was amazed!😁
See you soon Rickun😊🎶
rick chan から romie
Thank you so much,no need to reply me if you are busy,I totally get it,please spend quality time with Kanta ちゃん!I appreciate your kindness!
rick chan から まちまちこ
rick chan から 麻紀子
Thank you Makiko San!I am having fun with all the kakigori,of course my favorite are all the tea flavours too,I bought some 金時豆but didn't know what to do with them,but I think it works well here.Japanese style kakigori is so delicious and it brings back good memory eating this!
Rick, 今天實在抱歉,由於Michako san的事情,我太著急得給你添麻煩了⋯。你的工作也很忙吧,我非常擔心是否影響你的工作了。
rick chan から アズフラ
Thanks,glad you like this,let's fight the heat with kakigori!
rick chan から ゆかり
You bet my dear,although I am from HK,but all these Japanese traditional food really attracts me!I have been trying out different flavors kakigori for days now,peach,earl grey...I am having so much fun,fighting the heat here too!
Actually I didn't have many chance to have kakigori in Japan,it was th
the Taiwan trip last year that I started to take interest in them,you see it's a big thing over there,and they have some really good ones too!I got back and bought a little machine so I could try my own,but I couldn't get round to it and it started to get cool...
I was hoping to surprise you a bit,
I came up with this idea while I was thinking what I could do with your gift,this is perfect because we actually had something similar together!Yes,first time I made 白玉団子,I thought they are nice to provide a different texture in kakigori too,anything I should know to make a good one?I totally enjoye
enjoyed the tea,it makes a great syrup for this too!Thank you for all the gifts,its good that you and Romi gave me the same houjicha before I love it so much!I am hoping I could feature rest of the gifts at other posts,let's see...As for kakigori and other tea dessert,it was golden experience for me
to try them at うじ's 中村籐吉itself.Please take me to 丸久小山園too next time to see how they compare.
rick chan から まちまちこ
まちまちこ から rick chan
まちまちこ から rick chan

rick chan から まちまちこ
rick chan から まちまちこ
有些不太好的消息,聽說 Michako San 已離開 SD,詳細原因就不太清楚了,但她本人是無恙的,請放心!我在這裏已一段時間了,也見過很多人來來去去,是有點無奈的,畢竟應該是一件輕鬆的事來的,若果感到壓力便變得沒意思了,對嗎?我們尊重她的決定吧,說不定有天她會回來的!
まちまちこ から rick chan
Rick, 你好。 是這麼回事⋯。聽說她本人無恙,我就放心了。

謝謝你不辭勞苦,為我聯繫 Romie San, Yukari san。
rick chan から まちまちこ
你好! 白玉糰子你沒放冰箱裡了嗎?

你也可以在SD上搜索 "豆腐白玉"呢~!😊
ゆかり から rick chan
I think your 白玉 is perfect job with having slightly transparency👍✨
Although I can't understand Chinese,but Machiko san seemes mentioning good method(?)
I'll leave it up to her😊😋
まちまちこ から ゆかり
rick chan から まちまちこ
rick chan から ゆかり
Ok,I see,白玉団子needs to be slightly transparent,thank you for letting me know.Yes,Machiko San also sharing some tips with me too,I see she is explaining to you too,I will leave it to her as well!😊
ゆかり から まちまちこ
Hello rikky,having a good Sunday?
So,we enjoyed dinner last night with Yukari n Michako♪
we talked about you to Michako how ausome you are!!😊
I'm impressed yet every time seeing this pic,and reminds me the wonderful time with you n Yukari!
I've never imagined that you arranged Kakigori using ほうじ茶!!!
romie から rick chan
I wanna try too!
Really really perfect practical use of ほうじ茶!I'm happy you like this tea.Me too I was surprised the same selection with Yukari😳
Hey,you live in HK?!In fact don't you live near us?😁✨
Thank you for serving cup n mini plate in the middle of the table,so cool😭👏I picked another cup first,
romie から rick chan
first,but it was different from your style,so when you looked at this cup n said'It's my style!!'..I was super glad n happy to pick this💕It does not interfere with your cool atmosphere,I'm relieved😌✨
So thank you so much for sharing us such a memorable post!!!
I saved this pic in my album😁✨
まちまちこ から rick chan

Romie san 也提到,我也一直在乎這些餐具。茶杯上畫的是鳥居和鹿? 這說不定是「春日繪」? 多麼好看!
rick chan から romie
Hi there!I usually work on Sunday,my day off is today,finally I could sit down and write something...I heard you girls were having a little party,you have no idea how much I want to be there!Thanks for being so kind,but I am just an average man, have to say you are giving the wrong impression to Mic
Michako San😁!Means so much to me you like this post,I thought hard how I could do with this tea,and kakigori came up,it suited the weather,and reminisced the desserts me and Yukari had in Uji.It was the first proper kakigori that I made,the houjicha works brilliantly,you know it's the perfect gift,a
and so good I get a double portion too,I love houjicha and this one is definitely much better than what I usually buy!Yep,in fact I live in HK,but I try to absorb as many good things as I could from Japan,so I could reproduce at home!
You really picked the perfect cup for me,I don't need to explain,
do I?You could see how well it goes with everything else here!But it's also very unique too,I could never find this else where(just found out it's called 春日絵,awesome!)So a big thank you for all the goodies,and wonderful memories that had given me,they will be for me to treasure for a long time comin
coming!And yay✌️,this photo made it to Romi's camera roll!!
rick chan から まちまちこ
太好了,你也留意到 Romi 送給我的杯子,她沒有說,但應該就是你所講的'春日絵',跟奈良的春日大社有些關係吧。
後面還有一大堆Yukari 送的奈良特產,全部也是精品,實在很有意思的禮物來的!
看來Machiko 也對陶器有點認識!
對! 奈良有很多精彩的特產! 而且 Romie san、Yukari san 挑的,肯定特別好!

我蠻喜歡看陶器,可是只有初步的瞭解而已⋯ (´ー`)
Good morning rikk!!
Sorry I've forgot you worked on Sundays🙈
Surely you're the special man for us🙉the average score is too high😉
Wow amazing that you understand 春日絵!!!Yes,it is idyllic taste,isn't it?
Thank you rikk,n have a nice day!
rick chan から romie
That's alright,Romi,after eight years,my clients still think my dayoff is on Sunday...
'Average score too high',I am flattered...thanks!I promise I'll keep the score high😁 for you awesome ladies!
Japanese ceramic is an important subject to study,always happy to know more,thanks again for the enlight
enlightenment !Have a nice day too!
Japanese stile かき氷、rikkたん自分で作ったの❓😍和の心有り過ぎでしょ〜🍨🍧素敵なgirlsとの日々がきっときっと物凄く楽しかったのだろうなぁ〜とこちらまで嬉しくなります😃素敵なpostの数々ありがとぅ😊💚んで、公園にゴロンしてるrikkたんの写真良い❗️奈良公園なのかしら❓😃
rick chan から marimari
Hello,Mariko San,nice to hear from you!
Haha,I made this myself,with a hand crank machine.You see,they gave me the same gift which is houjicha,I thought I could impress them with a kakigori made with it,many girls like it,Yukari would be specially happy too because we had similar thing in Uji.Now I
am in love with Japanese style kakigori too,I've been trying different flavors for days!
Glad you like the photo,actually Yukari took it for me,it's Nara park and I love it,so big and peaceful,and I get a big piece of grass just by myself!
Thank you for all resnaps!
もぐもぐ! (308)
リスナップ (52)