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Snapdishの料理写真:borenkaas cheese, caramelized endive, roasted concord grapes, concord compote, marcona almonds,  onion and preserved lemon confiture, caraway rye lavosh cracker
borenkaas cheese caramelized...
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Snapdishの料理写真:Stuffed lamb hearts - fresh New Zealand lamb hearts stuffed with bacon, figs, onion, caraway, thyme rosemary, carrot and fresh New Zealand feta cheese. Served w
Stuffed lamb hearts fresh Ne...
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Snapdishの料理写真:coffee caraway
coffee caraway
  • 100
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Snapdishの料理写真:Sauerkraut with garlic and caraway seeds
Sauerkraut with garlic and c...
  • 316
  • 4
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