Crash biscuits coarsely and divide in 6 serving glasses. Pour the 10ml chocolate liqueur in each glass.
Melt the dark chocolate over steam. Remove from the heat and slowly add 225ml hot water mixing constantly. If you add water too quickly, chocolate will crumble. Pour the chocolate over the biscuits and let cool in the fridge for at least 1hour.
In a bowl beat the eggs and sugar, add flour and mix well till the mass becomes thick and pale.
Heat 300ml double cream almost to the point of boiling then immediately pour the egg mixture and mix well. Cook over a low fire for a few minutes until you get a thick paste.
Put 100g of white chocolate in a small pot or metal bowl, then pour over it the hot yolks and cream mixture and stir until chocolate is melted.
Cool the mixture well, then pour over the chocolate cream. Keep in refrigerator again cooled at least 1hour.
Put the remaining white chocolate and nuts in the blender and chop finely. Beat the rest of double cream (not too tightly), and then add the chopped nuts and chocolate and mix. Pour the mixture over the remaining layers and return to the refrigerator to cool a bit. Garnish with grated or chopped dark chocolate.