• お気に入り
  • 7もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2013/08/25
  • 332

Champorado for breakfast-chocolate rice pudding with milk

みんなの投稿 (12)
What is in the other dish?
To: namkn fried salty fish :)
@namamoto から Trixcee Tan
Wow interesting breakfast u r having 😊 I just finished dinner lol
To: namkn tastes good though. The saltiness of the fish complements the sweetness of the rice pudding:)
@namamoto から Trixcee Tan
Heheh wish I have some around here to try ... Americans stinks hahahah
To: namkn you can make one. Haha!
@namamoto から Trixcee Tan
Good salted fish here is like gold to us Asians 😁 that's why I want to travel sooooo bad right now.. And snapdish really not helping one bit hahahah
To: namkn i see! Go visit asia soon. Haha
@namamoto から Trixcee Tan
I wish!! Ahahha Asia needs a month of vacation... 😁 My dad said Singapore is beautiful n clean!! But looking to go to Japan first then Singapore / Korea
To: namkn true about singapore. Thats a great plan to follow!:)
@namamoto から Trixcee Tan
Yea im trying to expand my social network throughout the world so I can travel and have local/friends to help me find hotspots for food ahahha
To: namkn sounds good!:)
もぐもぐ! (7)