• お気に入り
  • 268もぐもぐ!
  • 33リスナップ
  • 2015/01/23
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ルッコラとナッツの塩昆布オイルパスタ from りーちさん

みんなの投稿 (8)
りーちさん is not only good at making cakes and sweet things,her savory dishes are always appealing too!This pasta that she made with 塩昆布 was very new to me,I never had it before and it sounds so good,I just had to try.I absolutely love it,great combination with nuts and rucola(I added pancettaパンチェッタ too
),I enjoy most with the bites that has 塩昆布 in it,next time I need to add more of it!
りーちさん,thanks so much for this awesome Japanese/Italian pasta idea!I will try more pasta with 塩昆布!
Hi りーちさん,I haven't forgotten your beautiful pasta,because it was so unique for me!I have tried many Japanese style pasta ,but never with 塩昆布!This is better than I expected,one bite of pasta with rucola,nuts and 塩昆布 is the best,even without the pancetta!Haha,you get what I mean,I wish I had put more
塩昆布 in it too,it has so much flavor in this tiny black thing!But I didn't sauté it in oil,I only added it at the end,and it was good enough!I will try it with pimen and sesame oil too,it must be good,thanks for all great ideas!
I saw your pizzas,I sometime like these thin and crispy ones too,I am ha
happy you like it with negi,I think it goes really well with cheese,next time I will try yours with 大葉 too,I also like it a lot.
You are always welcome,sharing good food makes me happy!!
I also have to say your roll cake looks amazing,it's so perfect,why are you so good at these?I am a big fan of yo
rick chan から 麻紀子
Hi Makiko!You like this one too,that's great,I highly recommend!I had many Japanese style pasta too,but never with 塩昆布,so it caught my attention at once!Even better than I expected,the combination of slightly cooked rucola,but and 塩昆布 is so good already,even without the pancetta!I guess it's similar
with anchovy too,both full of intense sea flavor!
Please try it sometime too,sure you will like it too!
もぐもぐ! (268)
リスナップ (33)