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  • 7もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2012/10/10
  • 221

Sea Cucumber Stir Fry 姜蔥海參

みんなの投稿 (6)
This is a very traditional Shanghainese dish ,isn't it?It looks delicious !I have seen this in a cookbook but never tried making it myself,I always thought sea cucumber is a little hard to prepare...
thanx for following me
sea cucumber is my favorite food and this dish looks so delicious
your other pictures also look very nice, so i yummed a lot
i'm expecting you to take more yummy pics
To: mikethemighty
To: mikethemighty
Most of the pictures here were taken by my iPhone 4S with some editing 😊
This dish was made by my Mom, she makes all kinds of delicious foods 😀
To: rikk
很有名的那個菜叫蝦子大烏參。不過個人覺得媽咪做的這個姜蔥海參味道更純更鮮 😋 對噢,發泡海參的過程很複雜,前後要好幾天的時間,中間還要清理肚腸。你一定也有體會,通常備菜的精力和過程比幾分鐘炒菜的時間要長好多〜
もぐもぐ! (7)