• お気に入り
  • 31もぐもぐ!
  • 1リスナップ
  • 2012/04/27
  • 487


みんなの投稿 (24)
Rikk さんが昨晩出していた白丼美味しそうだったので…手抜き主婦アレンジしてみました‼
To Rikk san your "白丼" looked so delicious that I have to make it right away!!!!!!!!! been a lazy house wife with a child I mix veggies together to make my life a little easier to feed the little one!!!!
美味そうだな〜( ♡ᴗ♡ )
To Tayuko San:very good combination, looks so much better than mine,very lucky kid you have.
To: Tayuko トゥルトゥルっと食べてしまいそう♡
To: hoiboo 私が子供の頃10歳になるまで身体の基礎を育てる大切な時期だから…と母に育てて頂いたので娘も私と同じように。と心掛けています(^^)♡ でも…ファーストフードもたまにたべます^^💦💦
To: rikk Thank you for such a nice comprent !!!! I really love the combination of the tororo yam and pork together. I also love your chic table coordination with your meal.
To: eim153 普段は食べるのにイライラする位時間がかかるTちゃんが早かった‼ トゥルトゥルパワーだねー‼
To: t4maxxx トロロカワイイ⁇
To: blackynao ありがとう‼ 豚肉とトロロそれから山葵の相性抜群でした。
Thank you,such a good feeling I could inspire others.Thanks for your compliment too,I have bought so many ceramic from Japan over the years,and I decided to learn making my own too,but really not good...
I have learned from you Japanese that the presentation of food is a very important part of dining experience,I am just trying to follow.
To: rikk yes!!!! I also love ceramics although I have such a small house and not capable to stow more dishes. I happen to collect many antique stuff but, it would be so nice to make my own like you do.
To: rikk may I ask where are you from?? I'm from tokyo.
To: NYK ありがとう‼ fbの出前ついたかなー⁈ な~んて♡
To: Tayuko , not surprise any one like cooking would like their food look good with beautiful ceramics too.I have too many and most save for special occasion .
I live in Hong Kong,it's very limited that I can make with the materials and the equipments we have here,so please try while you are in Japan.
I travel to Japan at once a year,last time I went to 長谷園at Ebisu,and brought back a few clay pots,strongly recommended!Yes,I guess you are from Tokyo,from your birthday lunch at Park Hyatt...
To: rikk hong kong!!! I've never travel to hong kong or any part of china but, I have many friends who lives in hong kong, shanghai and taipei. 永谷園 ebisu thank you!!
by the way.....Chinese food are awesome!!!!
To: rikk 長谷円… ^^ !
To: Tayuko sadly for me to say,apart from Chinese food,Tokyo is a much better city in everyway,we all agree...Do come to Hong Kong for it's food and don't expect too much from the rest...Great food from Taipei too!
もぐもぐ! (31)
リスナップ (1)