• お気に入り
  • 94もぐもぐ!
  • 3リスナップ
  • 2015/08/01
  • 4,438

Honey Caramel Walnut tart🍉🍇this is one of the greatest combinations of sweet(my thought) , and also one of my mom's favorite😋any of you like caramel and walnut?

みんなの投稿 (6)
Hi,coco🎶I can't resist caramelized nuts.😍😍💘💘this is heavenly sight for me😍wow..Even in hottest summer,your tart shell is flawless👏✨✨
wow.. for sweet tooth lovers. awesome 😉
coco~delicious❤️ から ゆかり
Dear, I'm so so glad that someone like you like my tarts😆😆😆
Your dishes are so beautiful, and your ideas are amazing! That's why I feel so pleasure that you like my tarts.
Sorry for reply so late, I haven't got time to use snappish for a while😭
coco~delicious❤️ から 🌼 Pooja's Kitchenette 🌼
Hahaha, does that means you are also a sweet tooth?😘😘
coco~delicious❤️ から 🌼 Pooja's Kitchenette 🌼
And thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
🌼 Pooja's Kitchenette 🌼 から coco~delicious❤️
absolutely! ladies cannot resist sweet treat lol 😂😅
もぐもぐ! (94)
リスナップ (3)