Cut all veges: Shallot, celery and paprika in cubes, carrot in round shape.
Cut chicken tight in cubes. Peel potato skin and cut in bigger cubes.
Put oil in frying pan and cook shallot first, then add carrot, celery, paprika, bay leaves. Cook under medium heat. Add chicken and when it turns white (after 10min or so) add potatoes, paprika powder, Vegeta, mix it well and after 5min add water (to fasten the cooking add hot water). Water should cover all ingredients inside, so you can add more or less water depending on the pot you are using. Cook strong fire until it's to boil. Then put the lid and cook slowly on low heat.
In the meantime make "noklice". Mix eggs with a fork, add flour, "griz" and salt until you make compact mass. Let it rest until your paprikas is almost ready. Look at the paprikas recipe about next step.
When all vegetables are soft (and you can crush potatoes by fork) add tomato purée, mix it well. Using tea spoon add noklice in paprikas soup. Noklice are done when float to the surface and become a little bit swollen.
Serve in the soup bowl or deep bowl and sprinkle with fresh Italian parsley.