Boil the octopus in a pot with a little water(never put salt) for 1 hour & 10min. When ready you may store together with the broth in a large jar in the fridge, after adding a little olive oil and a little vinegar.
When you want to make your recipe pull it out of the jar, drain and touch the parchment paper with the remaining ingredients.
Place the octopus, after you have washed and clean, in a deep pan with a bay leaf and 2-3 peppercorns, without any water. Cover and simmer octopus at a very low temperature for 20min so as it starts to produce its own juice.
Prepare 3-4 large pieces of parchment paper folded in 3. Divide octopus into portions, add unpeeled garlic cloves, honey, balsamic vinegar and a little of the broth, bay leaf, some peppercorns and allspice and a little olive oil. Optional fresh rosemary, thyme and olives.
Fold the baking sheets, forming small pouches. Then tie with a kitchen string well and place in a baking dish. Bake in oven at 180C for 1 hour and 30. Serve warm.