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  • 2014/07/18
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グリルチキン ,山形だし

みんなの投稿 (32)
One late night at Osaka,I didn't have much choice and went in 松屋 for a meal,still looking for something special and I found this beef rice with a 山形だし,I ordered it ,and I love it so much that I decided to try making this myself.My version consists of cucumber,okra,eggplant,scallion,
sesame and mentsuyu.(キュウリ、オクラ、ナス、ねぎ、
And later I also found out my friend まちまちこさん actually comes from 山形,and she had post her version too,now I could try and make a more authentic one next time!
謝謝 rick san,你做的だし蠻好吃的樣子! 以後我再次寫留言。( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Rick san,我現在樂不可支,歡天喜地,為的是山形的だし不但在日本流行起來了,而且傳到香港了! 這真是喜出望外的事情!


你這次放在烤雞上,雞皮脆脆的,上面蓋著 sauce 似的だし,真是蠻好吃的樣子! 山形人一般是保守派的,所以我創意不出這種吃法。不愧是 Rick san !
對對,Rick san,日本人不像這道菜稱呼“やきとり”,日本人所說的“やきとり” 一般是串雞肉呢~。
這樣的菜餚一般說 “グリルチキン” (grilled chicken) 喲~。
rick chan から まちまちこ
rick chan から まちまちこ
最後,也請以後叫我Rick 便可以,Rick San 太長了…
まちまちこ から rick chan
哈哈哈 (≧∀≦*)ノ〃
Rick 你真有幽默! 可是 Romie san 也叫你 Rick san,我為甚麼敢叫你 Rick 呢? 😁
rick chan から まちまちこ
まちまちこ から rick chan
好的,我信你,以後叫 Rick 了。😀
你的記性真好! 你靠自己的記憶做だし了。我在網上查了材料,據說有的家庭也放蔥,你是對的。

你是保守的? 真會開玩笑! 你做的菜充滿創意呢。(´◡`๑)
rick chan から まちまちこ
まちまちこ から rick chan
1 黃瓜和茄子,這些是不可缺少的。
2 みょうが或者青しそ等,有香味的。
3 秋葵或者海帶等,黏糊糊的。
如果放納豆昆布,だし的顏色變得更黑,我覺得不太好看⋯。 而且在香港納豆昆布難買吧⋯
rick chan から まちまちこ
まちまちこ から rick chan
Wow! I've never thought this combination♪ How great!
I'll try to do that!
I love だし💗
I've made 素麺 with だし. It's so yummy:)
I'm expecting for your new idea with だし♪
I never know you went to 松屋 at that night! And nice choice😁👍✨that's so you🎶
だし is my fave as well! no だし, no summer life (👈I mimicked from "no music, no life"♪♪)
But I haven't make by myself so far. You've totally good tongue,you can make it just only once tasted it😳✨I think yours enou
enough good! Plus nice idea,serve
d with chicken! Why don't you try providing to 松屋 this recipe?😊
Oh,I didn't know that まちまちこさん was born in Yamagata!
There are many attractive local food in there(芋煮 is best😋💕)
You should ask her that recipe😊🎶
rick chan から ともきーた (伊藤 智子)
Haha,thanks so much,but really no big deal,just because I didn't know much about it's tradition,so I could play around more!But this dashi could really go with many things I think,and it's so good to eat in summer.I am glad you like this too,please try sometime!Sure,I have to make this again soon!
rick chan から ゆかり
Haha,like you said,nothing interesting in that area,and it was getting late,so I went into 松屋,but I was impressed.First of all,the server was super polite and helpful,even though he was the only one on the floor,and the place was busy...only in Japan...I have many respect for these kind of people.An
And I did discovered a great dish that I could eat for years!I knew nothing about it,but I did some research when I got back,so here is my take.I wasn't sure if I should,but I imagined that it would go well with chicken too,but Machiko San suggested I should chop the dashi more finely,so right and I
will do that next time.It was a real coincident that I saw her dashi post,so good to find out she is from 山形 too,now I could have good advice for this type of regional food from her,I love all these traditional and local cuisine!But you already know...
She also mention 芋煮too,she will show me sometim
So you like dashi too,have to show me your version!
Well,I appreciate you saying,but I know 松屋 is doing fine already,they don't want some dude from HK to jeopardize their business.😁
Haha,too true! I also give a 松屋 a good clap.they serving efficiency with tiny space,hospitality also excellent! anyway I'm happy for you,You found meaningful food in there! I've been eating ready made だし(convenience!),my ordinary way to eat is put that on top of white rice.guess It will be work well
when if lost your appetite with summer heat😊
Since i met you, i understood well you likes delicate taste(no highly seasoned, no oily) that was a very joyful discovery for me too.
Plus i know you like taro too,I bet you'll like 芋煮(color looks like strong taste, but not strong at all,I am big fan of 芋
芋煮) please let me know if Machiko san drop her recipe.i want to try too😊
まちまちこ から ゆかり
ゆかり から まちまちこ
わたしはBeeちゃんのところで まちまちこさんのコメントを拝見していてお名前も素敵なお人柄も存じあげていました😊
本当ですか⁉ 芋煮大好きなので一度山形のみなさんが召し上がっている作り方を知りたかったんです✨
アップして下さると本当に嬉しいです😊🙏💕💕 わたし作りたいです!

まちまちこ から ゆかり
芋煮は濃い味好きな東北の料理なのでゆかりさんの好みに合うかどうか… 気に入って頂けたら嬉しいです😄
もぐもぐ! (253)
リスナップ (33)