• お気に入り
  • 9もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2014/10/06
  • 364

Anago Sushi

みんなの投稿 (7)
Unagi? Looks like anago(conger eel).
prissy から Yayowe
It says supreme sea eel on the menu :)
Yayowe から prissy
Then, there's more possibilities to be Anago. Anago lives only in the sea, however, Unagi lives in the river for the most of it's life.
prissy から Yayowe
Ooooh! So it's not called unagi too?
Yayowe から prissy
Yes,it isn't. Anago! They are usually cheaper and thinner ( not as wide as Unagi).😁
prissy から Yayowe
Hahaha.. Ok! Edited too.. Thanks!
Yayowe から prissy
Hahaha! What if it's Unagi.
I just wanna taste and judge.😋
もぐもぐ! (9)