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  • 2014/01/09
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Blood sausage and potato parmentier with sauté apple

みんなの投稿 (21)
Had a very similar dish at a bistro in Paris,but my blood sausage is store bought and I used potato and made this into a pie thing.I love bistro food so much and I miss Paris terribly...
The very delicious(○´∀`о。゚
I miss Paris too🇫🇷
But I wanna eat yours(*^o^*)
rick chan から おりぃ
Thank you so much,and resnap too!I really enjoyed this!
rick chan から 🌈Ami🍻
That's very kind,I will be very honoured to cook for you!
Thank you so much,I am happy to hear!
Happy New Year. Thank you again this year.
Thank you New Year resnap.
I havea nice cooking fun again this year.
rick chan から kzsyk
You are welcome,and a happy new year to you too!Thank you for all your kindness and support,please keep up the good work,always look forward to your cooking!
Good Morning☀☀
I thought you took this photo in real bistro this time too😁
Because it's so beautiful!
I've eaten French blood sausage in Japanese bistro,(i've never went Paris so far)but more sloppy looks than yours..(but it was not too shabby🎶)
So I can feel you putting your own creativity in it.aw
I want to look once that pie too😊
I wish you could visit Paris again,
That experience will all be helpful for you✨it must be high value
rick chan から ゆかり
Thank you Ms Yukari,that's very sweet of you!And you are so lucky,the blood sausage you have in Japan is probably authentic enough,your people are always very determined when they make classic food.
I was in a tight schedule and I could only spend two and a half days in Paris,so I merely scratched t
the surface and it still has a lot for me to explore,may be next time...Meanwhile things like this brings me good memories.I remember you said you love bistro food too,I should think it will be great for you to go and experience yourself too,and although I think your food and confectionery is at pro
professional level in Paris,it's still be interesting to try out different things there!I big hope you could go soon!You will have happy days(oh I sound like Jamie again...)Thank you for all resnaps!
Yummy!!! Happy New Year Rick😊
To: rikk
I envy you even if you had brief stay.Lately,I noticed what i never again get long vacation such as my youth.so I also will be tight schedule when if i fly to Europe.
Yep,I'm big fan of bistro foods.thanks for remembering it.
especially I love to eat "Pate de champagne"in there.
However I
I didn't think to make it by myself.but now You motivated me!I'll try it soon! n wanna to learn bistro dishes some more.I'm not sure if i can make splendid like you,but I'll do my best😊Always I receiving a lot of stimulation from your posts! whoopee🎶
(Haha! you are Jamie who is handsome than real J
real Jamie!! 👍👍💕)
rick chan から ゆかり
I am 110% sure you could make patès and terrines,I look forward seeing them here!And by the way,thanks so much for being kind,but me looking more handsome than Jamie?I seriously doubt that,these day I don't want to look in the mirror for too long😰.
Tres bien✨c'est manifique!!!!
It's perfect n made me imagine the harmony😍
I really want to order this one at the birtro de rikk🙏💕
rick chan から romie
Hi Romie San,thank you so much,your French is excellent!You know my bistro is always open for you,it's my honor to serve you!
je je :D
yummy !!!

thank you for re-snap :)
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