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  • 261もぐもぐ!
  • 36リスナップ
  • 2015/07/18
  • 2,989

ゴーヤー、パイナップル、チキンチャーハン/bitter gourd,pineapple and chicken fried rice

みんなの投稿 (10)
Nothing strange at all putting goya and pineapple together,Taiwanese has long been doing it,with a soup that also has spare rib in it.I tried this combination in a fried rice,love this bittersweet sensation!
Also has egg,sesame,bonito flakes,spring onion(卵、ゴマ、鰹節、ネギ)
Also トマトもずく酢
Must be delicious! Love anything with pineapple in it. 在台灣陽明山上吃過的一個雞湯,裡面有放好像是發酵過的菠蘿和破布子,味道超讚的。
rick chan から 麻紀子
That's right,they have famous pineapple fried rice in Thailand.I was actually thinking about tropical food here,or more precise, Okinawa,since it's famous for both Goya and pineapple.But I don't know if they ever put them together in a dish,I can't recall any,I hope they have because they are so good together.
I actually the tomato for the トマトもずく on the left side,I miss もずくand it fits the theme here!!
rick chan から MyRaX
Very very delicious,I just love there is something bitter and something sweet in each bite.台灣很出名做這類的料理,發酵過的菠蘿還未有機會吃過,很有興趣一試。發酵食物現在到處又時興起來,想必是北歐吹來的風氣。
還有你介紹的chef table 已經看了,講飲講食的我最有興趣,謝謝你了,又得到了一些新資訊。九月會到意大利的,很可惜 Osteria Francescana 實在太熱爆了,現在他們只能放我在waiting list 內...
MyRaX から rick chan
The restaurant is full all the time😉很想嚐嚐那盤camouflage的味道,看不出裡面是啥東西😅 希望你九月有一段愉快的舌尖上的旅行!
rick chan から MyRaX
對啊,camouflage 實在吸引。我買了食譜,翻查過camouflage裡面有野兔,鵝肝,根菜,松露,香料等等。都是美味的東西,給他造成這個外觀,我覺得他是天才來的!
I don't know why I was knowing you'll make Goya fried rice...but I know you got fine result more than basis recipe!
how should I say 'パラパラ' in English? (Separated rice texture??)
Anyway,love this fried rice,Especially added pineapple! Looking at your photo,I really miss Okinawan food right now!
Why you can make beautifully パラパラ fried rice?? Great👏✨トマトもずく酢 is my favorite💕It's easy,tasty,healthy,isn't it?😋
rick chan から ゆかり
Well,may be you have super power and read my mind....I could never have revealed...
Goya and pineapple are awesome together,it's been proved,I love bittersweet,it's life on a plate,or Travis(I imagine too much😰).
Puffy and separate texture is characteristics of Cantonese fried rice,no big secret,just use less water to cook and lay out to cool and dried on a tray.Some one would leave in fridge to dry overnight but for me it loose rice aroma.Also the rice we get here is not sticky as Japanese.This one is Japanese rice grown in Vietnam,much cheaper.But for things like onigiri and sushi,it could never do as good job as Japanese grown.
Yep,トマトもずく酢 is a nice and easy dish,especially I bought ready made もずく,one day I will tackle dried one!
ゆかり から rick chan
LOL😂👍 I hope I can be!
You saying Travis of clergyman but not musician,may be! because that's you!I like such your imagination😁Anyway,thanks for the tips,i could see that Vietnamese rice is suitable for fried rice.This looks is my ideal💕 I'll remember your tips! I also used to use readymade Mozuku,but if you tried dried stuff,please report it!
If it's you, you can definitely handle it😊👌
もぐもぐ! (261)
リスナップ (36)