• お気に入り
  • 47もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2013/08/02
  • 451

Oven roasted chicken thighs- peppered and spiced

みんなの投稿 (12)
Nice to meet you Thanks
Juliee ~ ジュリー から Sasa
Your welcome! Thank you! ^_^
Thank you for following me!
Looks yummy💕
thank you for the follow :)
Nice to meet you😄
Thank you for responding
It is pleasant to cook🎶
I make an effort from now on💪
Thanking you in advance👍
Thank you for following me(^∇^)
do you like japanese animation?
i love 銀魂!
and エウレカセブン!
Juliee ~ ジュリー から ゆかゴリラ
Thank you!! Cooking is fun! I am sure your food will taste delicious! ^_^
To: lemonpai2001
Yes I watch those too!! my favorites are 天元突破グレンラガン and 夏目友人帳 肆. Right now I am watching ブラッドラッド and 進撃の巨人, so far they are interesting.
中華蕎麦 銀時 から Juliee ~ ジュリー
Can you speak japanese?
Juliee ~ ジュリー から 中華蕎麦 銀時
No :( just korean and english. I understand japanese a little! ^_^
To: yukagorilla
Thank you!! Cooking is fun! I am sure your food will taste delicious! ^_^
もぐもぐ! (47)