• お気に入り
  • 220もぐもぐ!
  • 6リスナップ
  • 2013/05/15
  • 1,717


みんなの投稿 (32)
White pepper pork pastry from Taipei night market.
The 刈包 I did a while ago was pretty successful,so I decided to try another favorite of mine.I was sure I could make a similar filling but slightly worried about the pastry and wrapping,it turned out to be quite fun since this pastry has lard in it,a
and it was very easy to handle,and to my surprise it came out super light and flaky,almost like a Chinese type of the French puff pastry.Never thought I could make something like this and so happy I have learn something that could be so useful in the future!
To: noborionapple 我也超喜歡,以為很麻煩的,搜集過資料後普遍發覺有用兩類的酥皮的,一種用酵母,另一種不用。我做的是不用的,又因為加了豬油,所以麵團很易處理,並沒有想像中到處麵粉的混亂情況,又因加多了一層用芝麻油做的油酥,所以特別的香!需知道我也極度恐懼做這類的小吃,但這個實在非常滿意,若果沒有空到台灣而又想吃的話,可以試試做,會給你知在那裏找食譜的!
To: noborionapple 謝謝resnap啊!
To: ran521jp 謝謝! 做點心真的是我的弱項,但很想吃,便按步就班的跟著食譜做,結果很理想,給了很大的信心日後再做這類的點心。裏面有豬肉,筍,蔥,少許五香粉,一般調味和最重要現磨的粗粒白胡椒。
To: noborionapple 據教這個的人說,這個酥皮是有點像疍黃酥的那個,但並不一樣的,可惜我末吃過,不能比較。
Terrific! I know this too!
I wached on TV before so became curious about it.My mom ate this in taiwan but I've never try yet.....
I never thought you would made it . I'm without words! sooo cool🌟
To: rikk Rick:其實看了你做的胡椒餅我還真想試試呢!有時間請教我做法,我也來挑戰看看😋
Perfect baked!
Still warm in inside.
That's amazing...you can make such a thing.
I'm always surprised at your skill👏😍
To: yukaringg thank you,it really is a tasty thing and I wanted to give a try,I followed instructions and did it step by step,turned out to be quite straight forward and the end product was so good,couldn't believe it came out from my kitchen too,and certainly more unbelievable is that I learned it
To: noborionapple 太易了,上YouTube 看看就可以,打入"胡椒餅",選那個孟老師那個什麼"白色20變"的就是,但我只是用了酥皮部份。裏面有食譜,還可以看著示範的,依足步驟便成。我看過很多版本的,但第一次看便知這個最像樣,很大機會會成功的。一向都認為最好的東西都不會廣泛流傳,但這個真的很管用!至於內餡,孟老師用現成黑椒粉,我覺得沒什麼道理,所以用了自己的想像來做,材料有豬肉(我喜歡切丁的,也可用絞肉),筍丁,蔥,少許醤油,五香粉,糖,鹽,酒,麻油,還有白胡椒(像胡椒蝦的處理,你也懂吧)。請試試做,你會喜歡的!
To: yukaringg that I learned it from YouTube,Thank you for resnap too!
To: kaochin04 exactly!The kind of thing that is best straight out of the oven!I was never good at wrapping things and pastries,but I followed some instruction and made this,very surprised for me too to come out quite good,unbelievable!Thank you for resnap!
Thank you for the advance of curry. Each Rick's dish is attractive and is always charmed.
To: tomoemoe thank you so much my curry friend!I have to start thinking about more special curry dishes!Also thank you for resnap!
To: noborionapple 不客氣!其實也沒有試過很多的胡椒餅,所以不太清楚正宗的是怎樣,所以希望請教一下,台北你喜歡的有那家的,下次到台灣的時候可以試試,比較一下,或可再改進一些!
To: rikk 照你㝍的我想是咸脆皮月饼口味。我在日本过去学过一段各种法式蛋糕,最近怕胖也懒得做了,中式点心不会做,有机会也要学一下^_^
rick chan から zc
台灣美食多多😋期待能早日重遊台灣。吃的開心玩得開心嗷 😄
rick chan から MyRaX
apple から rick chan
Rick: sorry!!這篇被壓在下面現在才看到😅台北市做得還不錯的有在龍山寺附近的福州元祖胡椒餅、永康街胡椒餅、寧夏路靜修女中附近的胡椒餅是我第一次吃到的胡椒餅,因為在學校旁每次放學都會買一個當點心,其他還有幾家不錯,只是正確位置我要再想一下😋也謝謝你resnap😄
apple から rick chan
rick chan から apple
MyRaX から rick chan
rick chan から MyRaX
I miss it ♪
rick chan から Turbee
So you have eaten this before!I missed this too,that's why I made up my mind to have a go with it,quite happy with the result!I am missing it again talking about it now...
Turbee から rick chan
I wish we have these in Japan !
もぐもぐ! (220)
リスナップ (6)