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  • 2013/10/18
  • 1,210

Sea bass bake in sea salt/chicory and orange salad

みんなの投稿 (14)
sea bass = 鱸スズキ?

rick chan から marimari
Thank you so much,always giving my the best compliments! Actually I just found out what is 塩釜,it's meat or fish cooked in lots of salt,right?It's a technique that used both in western and oriental cooking,and I love things cooked this way very much.But no big deal,it's nothing difficult about this,j
rick chan から marimari
,just have to buy lots of salt,and salt is a cheap thing in HK,and that's why I'd rather have this at home than in restaurants!
rick chan から marimari
Thank you for resnap too!
rick chan から apple
rick chan から 黄な粉
Thank you so much,Kinacox San,for the compliments and resnap.I love fish cooked this way too,you are right,sea bass is suzuki,鱸!
apple から rick chan
rick chan から apple
I love fish cooked like this way!
It's very simple and also yummy:)
rick chan から ともきーた (伊藤 智子)
I am happy you like this too!There is just something very seductive about all these salt baked dishes,and you are right,quite easy as well,just have to carry a lot of salt home!I'll see if I could do a chicken one soon.Thank you for resnap!
Incredible!!! Looks like easier to make than 石釜. It's good for home made dish!
I like chicory salad too!😄
Thank you so much,I assure you this is a very easy thing to do at home,just have to carry lots of salt home, but it's rewarding!
もぐもぐ! (253)
リスナップ (25)