1 kg of potatoes 250 g of flour 125 g of grated Parmesan 2 egg yolks Salt, pepper 1 TBS of melted butter
1/ Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Peel potatoes and add to pot. Cook until tender but still firm, about 15 minutes. Drain, cool and mash with a fork or potato masher.
2/ Combine mashed potato, salt, pepper, Parmesan, flour melted butter and egg in a large bowl. Knead until dough forms a ball. Shape small portions of the dough into long "snakes". On a floured surface, cut snakes into 3 cm pieces.
3/ Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Drop in gnocchi and cook for 3 to 5 minutes or until gnocchi have risen to the top; drain, panfried with some olive oil and serve.