• お気に入り
  • 18もぐもぐ!
  • リスナップ
  • 2012/05/09
  • 234


みんなの投稿 (13)
So yummy that I almost bite this pic.😁 you're very good cocker!
Umm great
To: sige 😊thanks. Your support means a lot ✌ Let's keep eating!!
To: woodnava Thanks👍
To: PeonyCYan hi, r u from HK? Saw u food r delicious😍
I think You should put cheese in curry.therefore So yummy(^O^)/
To: viva0212fm oh...i didnt think of that! Thanks. Any kind of cheese recommend?
To: Queen3203 yes!!Im HK ppl^^
To: Queen3203 I heard Many Chinese people hate cheese..you too?My recommend is Mozzarella cheese.
To: viva0212fm i ❤cheese! All kinds of cheese. Bcos i used to live in usa for many years. Oh btw i'm from Thailand but living in china actually. 😄
To: PeonyCYan 😊nice...i'm GZ ren, we'r not far away
もぐもぐ! (18)