• お気に入り
  • 170もぐもぐ!
  • 25リスナップ
  • 2015/07/07
  • 3,924

Love 和食☆

みんなの投稿 (17)
煩悩の多いわたしは お願い事を書くのに大忙しです💕

☔️鰹のタタキ ポン酢ゼリーで
☔️水タコの酢の物 新生姜と三杯酢のゼリーと摩り下ろした縞瓜
🐌トウモロコシ豆腐 (葛で固めたら見た目が芋羊羹になった..味は良かった)

願いは家族の健康。それがいちばん大事です( ー`дー´)キリッ
久しブリーフのLOVE 和食❤︎
鰹出汁とパルミジャーノが合うのを忘れません( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
ゆかり から 麻紀子
ほんとそうですね😌✨ 命あっての物種!健康で小さな事に感動しながら暮らせるのが一番の幸せな暮らしですよね☺️わたしも理想です✨
とは言っても♪ 色んな願いを持つのも素敵な女性の条件です😁
どうぞ このコメント欄を まきこのお願い帳としてお使い下さい😁💕
ゆかり から 七海
なみちゃん〜〜😆🎶お江戸行ってたんだね〜〜💕 コーズ神とお江戸デイト💕 美味しい記録見させてもらいました〜😍
わたし普段から7割くらい和食の地味な生活してるの。。SDでは地味過ぎてあんまりUPしてないんやけど😁💦 夏の京都のおばんざいも美味しいから またぼちぼちUPするね💕
パルミジャーノと和出汁は合うよ〜〜✨ 揚げ出しに鰹節トッピングするより美味しくなるで😋
ゆかり から シロー
とは言っても 普段から実は和食生活なんす オレ💕 少し仕事頑張ってSDサボってたぁ😉💕
えっとね、鰹出汁とパルミジャーノは合うよ😋 イノシン酸とグルタミン酸の組み合わせは黄金だね✨✨
覚えとくべし✌️あ、でも明日くらいに忘れちゃっても 結構生きていけるよ👍💕
Sorry,I write Chinese when I get extremely excited!I mean I love to eat these,every single dish!Bonito with ponzu jelly,what a lovely dish for summer,nice play with jelly again,I want to do something like this with the aqua 8 that I bought in Osaka,let's see.
Also interested with the eggplant and Parmesan and black pepper sauce,it's like new wave Japanese cuisine,but works brilliantly,clever stuff!Also corn tofu!I have seen many things,but not this one,such cool idea,must be delicious,I hope I could make it...It really worth the wait,I love to see your cooking,not less than visiting top restaurants,it's very educational for me,thank you so much!
Also forgot to mention,love the right bottom bowl,whose work is this,may I ask?
ゆかり から rick chan
什么时候都可以给你做日本料理! 我好想见你啊!我一直在这里等着你..😊(I hope my Chinese is not wrong..) Cool! although I often speak Japanese to you,I rarely hear your Chinese😌👍💕glad to hear that! I'm happy you liked summer Japanese dishes! oh,I thought you bought Aqua 8 in Tsukiji...No doubt you can handle it for Japanese jellied dishes! Take your time,I'm ready to be addict for your dishes!
Yes,Japanese 出汁 and Parmesan go well really! Since I had this stunning combination at restaurant,I wanted to make at home! Thanks for offer,if you want to see my cooking,I am at your beck and call😉
Guess what? This bowl works by 小嶋さん, I bought this at last time with you!
That's perfect Chinese,so you have been working at it too,I am impressed!
I had been tempted to speak Chinese to you but I restrained myself,I didn't know you could understand...
I am pretty sure I just checked Aqua 8 in tsukiji,they sell in in big portion box for restaurant use,I thought it was too much and I didn't buy.But we went to Osaka 黑門市場 last December and I found one place that sell individual small packets,I bought two,one for me and the other for you,you don't remember?
Thanks for explaining the dishes,I am just wondering what you have to make corn tofu,I haven't seen anywhere...
Oh,Kojima San's work,no wonder I like it,somehow I can't remember I have seen this,maybe I will recognize it when I see the whole image...
ゆかり から rick chan
Oh!😵 You aware that I used translator,right?. I beg you to keep speaking English...
Sorry? I get flustered at my memory loss...I don't remember it at all...you gave me Aqua8!? ...😱💦
I made corn tofu with fresh sweet corn pestled with food processor,mix up 昆布出汁 and salt,filtered it,jellied with 葛. If you want to make it real.If you want to make it real,I'll send you detailed recipe😊
Oh that suxks,I thought you secretly learning Chinese....
Thanks for the kind offer,I will search it out first,let me ask you again if I have problem😊
ちぽちゃん LOVE😘💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕👾💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
ゆかり から 太田 Tommy
メモメモ メモりんこ✏️📔💕
わたしの親友もおうし座ガールっす🎶 確かに優しくてロマンチックだわ😁👌✨
そんなモアロマントミーさん 今年はお願いしたのかなぁ。。😌💕
もぐもぐ! (170)
リスナップ (25)